Set healthy intentions for yourself.

Published 2023-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • Did y'all catch that great big nugget?? "but that meant I was just going to fit in, and I was never going to stand out" Amen. When God is control we never have to be anything, or anyone else, because He is the one who open, and closes doors. 🙌🏽🙌🏽
  • Wow... this was for me. I just read a government contract, and it said something I never saw before, it said" be unique". I asked myself, what's that, and then I saw this. This is my confirmation. Thanks Tab for always being you and speaking when the Holy Spirit tells you to. We love you too!!🥰😍
  • @bsweat9230
    Oh, Ms. Tabitha. The timing of the Lord is so on time. I need to check myself.....prayerfully! ❤
  • @1krzypraz
    Thank you so much for that reminder. We do try to act different to fit in. God created us and wants to use us just like He created us. That is true freedom.
  • @Fivve5Five
    Amen!!! You spoke directly to me. I’ll be 38 in a few weeks and I’ve noticed so much change in how I think and what I give thought to. I live in a superficial city but I no longer care to fit in in any of it. I’m me, I stay in my lane and living my best life. I’m being true to me.
  • @valeriedorsey7527
    Yes, so very true. I've finally learned at 68 years of age that it's totally okay to be who I am, who God created me to be, and be okay with it. I wish that I had this revelation years ago when I was younger. I would have lived my life much differently. But I am truly grateful for my mom and dad who loved me unconditionally, and always saw the best in me when I couldn't see it in myself. I was an introvert, slightly overweight, and didn't feel as smart and as attractive as my peers. Basically I was insecure, abd had very low self- esteem. But my dad would always greet me by saying "Hello beautiful" almost all the time, and my mom would always encourage me in everyway that she could no matter what. Long story short, my relationship with God, and the love and encouragement from my parents, has changed my perspective, and I've discovered that I have worth and value, just the way God created me. God has blessed me abundantly with a husband and five children who also love and accept me unconditionally. So I can say that I am truly blessed. I encourage everyone along with Tab, that yes, being your authentic self is the best way to be, and that you have worth and value just the way you are. Peace, love, and blessings, to all.
  • My gurl Tab! I needed to hear that. I’m a Voiceover Artist, done numerous of auditions but haven’t landed any jobs yet. I’m a Country girl also and the first thing my Coach said was “we gotta get rid of your country accent” After listening to you, maybe that’s why I haven’t landed any gigs yet. I need to be “ME”. The hardest job on Earth is Being Yourself!
  • AMEN. I didn’t realize how much of myself I was giving up until I got sick. I’ve been lifting other ppl up while putting myself down. I’ve always given the answer and let others take credit for my ideas. Working in the background because I didn’t think anyone would want to see me in the forefront. BUT GOD! He is really working on me. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made!
  • @mebestlife888
    🌴🌺 Love this!!! You do show up as you are. I see videos of people who are trying to be inspirational. They like to see themselves on a video. Not you!!!! I can hear and see the authenticity. This is what’s makes you so lovable and blessed ❤🙏 THANK YOU!!!
  • @Faithwalk212
    This right here is so necessary for me. Healthy is my goal. I am good enough to be my authentic self. Fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God
  • @tunisiaruth
    Allow yourself to be free! You are enough , you are worthy just the way you are! 🦋🦋🦋 This was in my morning prayer. 🙌🏿🙏🏿🙌🏿
  • @gigi.wilkins
    One of the worst backhanded insults I ever received was that you speak well for someone from your neighborhood. Showing up as you..relieves so much pressure and strain on the body. Thanks Tab!
  • @afondren6
    Thank you for letting God and Universe use you to speak to the hearts of so many....including me. ❤
  • @lovely9492
    Hello Tabitha❤. For the longest I was trying to remember who it was that you reminded me of and Finally it dawned on me “ Vanessa Bell Calloway” she is who you remind me of because I think she is a BEAUTIFUL AFRICAN AMERICAN Woman. Also, I’m on board with being your true self because it will set you free NEAR GOD to Be❤😊. Stay blessed my sista you are a 💎
  • @kelligirl2482
    Awesome word💃🏽and yes,it was necessary!!👏🏽👏🏽 Thank you Ms. Tab!
  • Wow Tab!! Here is the most powerful quote you just said "If you fit in then how are you going stand out". Powerful!!!
  • I always said "I only know how to be me" when people told me that I was weird. I don't let it bother me anymore and I'm learning not to feel guilty about it. I glad that trying to fit in with "Normal people" is no longer the norm.
  • @Jumel367
    I've dealt with this my entire career I am an accountant and in the corporate environment I was most times the only black person in my department. A lot has come with that. I am finally free to be me after over 25 years. Thank u Ms Tabitha❤❤❤