SaltEMike Reacts to Player-Made Contracts Will Fuel Star Citizen's Dynamic Economy

Published 2024-07-24

All Comments (21)
  • @nephrium
    Mike should let Tomato join his pod cast with Cronce. Could call it Hope, Cope and Nope.
  • idk bro... it just feels like at this point there are still way too many technical hurdles to cross before we can actually get to the economic gameplay we want. It still feels ages away
  • @Embarkation1
    In all seriousness, is development speed ever going to increase? Specifically tangible speed improvements to the players? I want reasons to log in.
  • @ratedxvn
    I feel so bad for Space Tomato..... Him and his wife makes some of the best produced videos about SC and he has to regurgitate the same information over and over and over that was said years ago because of CIG and their snail paced incompetence. I cant count how many times he has made a video about dynamic economy. The man is strong willed I hope he sees fruition someday. EDIT: I know there is new and updated info in this video...
  • I mean he ain’t wrong about needing to lose components. SWG was a fully player run economy, but they caved to folks complaining about item wear and tear and eventually it went away and there wasn’t really a reason to craft anymore.
  • I kind of miss one part of CIG's economy plan. Factories. We have the raw materials, the refineries but where are the Factories that needs the commodities?
  • @davebiscuits
    The Tarkov insurance model is one thing I've always thought would be super relevant for the economy. As you said, for crafting it would really be helpful and potentially add an interesting game loop. Incoming theory crafting... I know a lot of people are anti-subscription, but hear me out...because I think this would be one of the best ways to implement it vs unsustainable ship sales or cosmetics in the future. Insurance as a whole could become part of a subscription model and sold at different tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, etc / similar to choosing your insurer in Tarkov). When a player loses their items, a mission could go out. On one end you have Player 1 with say... a "Gold" policy who just lost their ship and gear...on the other end, Player 2 that has significant rep with an insurance company who is able to take on the Gold level contract. If Player 2 is able to successfully meet all requirements for the Gold contract, maybe they get a bonus...but if they miss certain items (attachments, player gear, etc) they get partial payment or like the base pay for the type of insurance tier. Similarly, Player 1 would either receive ALL their items or the base versions of said items at maybe an expedited rate compared to it delivered via snail mail or something (kind of like how claiming a ship works now). This could potentially incentivize players not to just steal stuff all the time when taking on the missions, opens the doors to corps dedicated to handling insurance claims, and adds an interesting level of risk on both sides of the coin.
  • @Outsider5wr
    Um, isn't the Banu merchantman "existence" suggest some form of player to player economy?
  • I mean just stating the obvious there is no economy or gameplay loops or player interaction or quests or voice overs nothing so someone has to say it internally I appreciated that because it's the most truth ever spoken by someone there
  • The more you recover of your ship, the sooner your insurance company can deliver you a fully restored ship to you and/or the less you have to spend to restock / repair your ship. Don't retrieve your ship then someone else can stumble upon it and salvage it.
  • @Haegemon
    6:00 "System sustained" puts player under the system. Player takes the wheel but the system takes the accelerator, the brakes and the gear lever.
  • BRO ive been dreaming with player made contracts for years. That and including a squadron 42 style developent of star citizen, witn npc real story telling following the direction of the first mission givers in the verse. They make you feel awesome. Putting together player made missions and a real inmersionn made by npc missions would bring the best space opera ever created.
  • Make all pledged ships blueprints. So ships can be destroyed and either be bought or crafted again. Give people enough possibilites to make money without ships (e.g. missions in landing zones etc), so they can afford to craft, buy or rent a ship again.
  • @TheJQuon
    Tomato seems like such a nice dude. I really like his videos 👍🏻
  • @TrampyPulsar
    I can't really see this happening if there isn't a player driven economy. Everything they have said so far that it was 100% NPC driven. I am all for it though, NPCs should be the baseline in what players can access, but if you want a full kitted out ship, you should need a player owned base with player own production which requires resources that are delivered by players. Best way to balance this: NPCs offer ships at a base value, but sell the resources to build that ship at 50% of that value but requires bulk to build ships, this allows for players to create margins, haulers can sell to players at a mark up from the NPC resource prices, and ship builders can sell ships at a mark down from NPC ship prices. Problem is there is no hint at a player driven economy at all, and the universe as it is right now, even with pyro added, wouldn't have enough space for players to set up shop like this.
  • @dspartridge84
    The tarkov insurance model is awesome but the insurance should payout money for lost items. Perhaps a clever way is where you were and what you were doing decides the cash payout amounts depending on the cost of the insurance.
  • @orthy853
    We need to be able to make player-to-player contracts, purchase orders, sell orders, GIVE ME JITA 4-4! Also the ability to you know have player crafting and production.
  • @adjbutler
    imagine never flying your own ship and just being a crew in someone elses ship....