Tartini Violin Sonata in G minor ''Devil's Trill Sonata''

Published 2010-12-27
Violin Sonata in G minor:
1. Larghetto affettuoso
2. Allegro moderato
3. Andante
3. Allegro assai-Andante-Allegro assai

All Comments (21)
  • @dari1510
    My mom: stop listening to rock and metal, that kind of music is from the devil The devil:
  • Imagine the Devil comes to you at night with a guitar like, "check it out ive been working on this for weeks" and it's Smoke On The Water
  • @raxino774
    "First-ever cover music in history"
  • @Yehoyoshi
    Devil: aye am bout to take u to hell Human:okay Devil:real quick wanna hear my mixtape
  • @varence7007
    Wtf man my sleep paralysis demon just stands in the corner doing jackshit while Tartini's demon out here composing a banger
  • @justindie7543
    Thanks Tartini for taking one for the team and trading your soul for this banger
  • @nf5113
    Thank god i got 4 30 second ads before the video was over, tartini's making bank off that one, it should be against community guidelines to put ads on anything composed before ww1
  • @elilofty7214
    me: ~sleeping peacefully~ the literal devil: “yo check this riff”
  • @Mmayberry3434
    Me: laying on my death bed “welp time to go to heaven” Me: hears violin playing in distance Me: “oh no”
  • "Una noche, en 1713, soñé que había hecho un pacto con el Diablo y estaba a mis órdenes. Todo me salía maravillosamente bien; todos mis deseos eran anticipados y satisfechos con creces por mi nuevo sirviente. Ocurrió que, en un momento dado, le di mi violín y lo desafié a que tocara para mí alguna pieza romántica. Mi asombro fue enorme cuando lo escuché tocar, con gran bravura e inteligencia, una sonata tan singular y romántica como nunca antes había oído. Tal fue mi maravilla, éxtasis y deleite que quedé pasmado y una violenta emoción me despertó. Inmediatamente tomé mi violín deseando recordar al menos una parte de lo que recién había escuchado, pero fue en vano. La sonata que compuse entonces es, por lejos, la mejor que jamás he escrito y aún la llamo "La sonata del Diablo", pero resultó tan inferior a lo que había oído en el sueño que me hubiera gustado romper mi violín en pedazos y abandonar la música para siempre....”
  • @nosorab3
    listening to this makes me truly envious of Tartini for having heard the original. If this is what he considers 'so inferior to what I had heard, that if I could have subsisted on other means, I would have broken my violin and abandoned music forever' whatever the Devil played must have been soul-destroyingly beautiful.
  • @johnTheprodigy
    Tartini falls asleep The devil: aight, imma start this man career.
  • Couldn't remember the greatest song in the world. This is just a tribute.
  • @eduardof7322
    Yet only one person in the entire word will ever know what the origina song sounded like... And that's Tartini himsef.
  • @RedKing64
    Sad thing is this is not the REAL sonata, as Tartini woke up struggling to remember all what he heard, but couldnt remember everything exactly, and after he composed it he stated: "This has been by far the best piece I have composed, yet its nowhere near as beautiful as what I heard in my dream".
  • @janne_hyde3567
    Devil: * composes the piece* Tartini: I'm going to do a cover
  • Imagine if what the Devil played in Tartini's dream was deadass just a violin cover of a rock song or something which is why Tartini had such trouble writing it down because he had never heard any music like that before.
  • @wjr4700
    9:05 I can imagine the devil frantically playing away at that lead with such a devilish look on his face as it gets more intense. Bravo.