Beyblade Metal Series: Ryuga vs Faust RESPONSE

Published 2024-02-18
Beyblade Metal Masters, Beyblade, Anime, Action, Analysis

All Comments (21)
  • @multimate7760
    I still think that scene where Ryuga casually knocked special move Tempo off balance prooves to me that one special move should be enough to one tap tempo, if you disagree that´s great have an opinion like a normal human being
  • @user-bp1eh4rl1z
    Meteo L Drago is a stronger bey than tempo that is because the data which was collected for tempo which was specifically the data from the best right rotating bey which is galaxy Pegasus and the data from the best left rotating bey which is Meteo l Drago. But everyone forgets that doctor ziggurat worked with doji for time and knew about the forbidden bey lightning l Drago for a really long time, he kept track of Ryuga and l Drago for really long time and because Ryuga in metal masters did not participate in the tournament, so at the end of the day most of the data for L Drago that doctor ziggurat had is from lightning L Drago and from the battles which Ryuga did gave barely any info on Meteo L Drago and Ryuga never used any power with jack either as he used only a little portion of his power, there are different phases of power for when using a special move for example when fighting nemesis, Ryuga used a lot more power in that one special move, so as for jack in that battle Ryuga just played around with him. Also very important as I mentioned doctor ziggurat had most of his info on Lightning L Drago and Ryuga mentioned it himself that he overcame the dark power and achieved a power which is far above the dark power and he reached new levels on his own which are far from any ordinary blader, so that only means that the info that doctor ziggurat already has on Lightning L Drago is no where near to the new power which Ryuga has achieved with Meteo L Drago and on top of that Ryuga barely performed or showed any power with his Meteo L Drago in Metal Masters so doctor ziggurat cannot have any major info on Meteo L drago enough to be able to beat Meteo L Drago. Beside that Ryuga has many other advantages such as Reverse rotating and also spin stealing which can help Ryuga is tight situations and remember that we are only talking about Meteo L Drago so that is when Ryuga was not even a legendary blader and also with Meteo L Drago Ryuga managed to stop the special move of Tempo with out even having the intent to use it on tempo, he was aiming at the Hades city so that only shows the levels. So in conclusion Meteo L Drago alone stomps Tempo and its a fact it would be stupid to keep on debating on this.
  • When maximum effort L-Drago casually breaks Spiral Dimension when that same move was soloing Pegasus and Striker with ease simultaneously should say everything, but I guess some people are tougher customers.
  • Didn't Ryuga directly say "That's not all I've got." to Doctor Ziggurat after showing "all" his data in his fight with Jack. They're literally using incomplete data from L-Drago. The argument that Faust is stronger is just wrong. 😂
  • We seem to forget that Ryuga can summon meteors from space by the time metal masters rolls in. This already puts Ryuga in a different class than tempo because tempo has never summoned anything from light years away in the anime.
  • @JinWBO
    9:30 While I can agree that Meteo L-Drago could spin steal those that are relative to its power and right spin, I think Metal Fury established that someone can avoid L-Drago's spin steal (not resist, there's a difference) as long as they don't touch the side of it, as demonstrated by Kenta VS Ryuga. Maybe it's different with Meteo compared to Destroy, but I think diving attacks from above can avoid spin stealing. Mind you, I don't know if Horogium is able to do an aerial dive, but... who knows since the beefy boi can somehow speed around the stadium. I still don't think Faust would beat Ryuga though of course, because even if Faust could do a diving attack for example, Ryuga would outskill any possible maneuvers Faust tries to make to avoid the spin steal and likely could avoid Faust's hits, and Ryuga isn't exactly lacking in raw power himself, despite Faust's impressive raw power.
  • @D.G.0.7
    Meteo’s power is WAYYY beyond than just being the ultimate left rotation bey
  • The thing is LDragos absorption is pretty weird because first we have Lightning LDrago who uses the dark power, from that point on we see Meteo and LDrago Destructor both using the beys power it self like its contruction to absorb, and we see LDrago spin steal from everyone, plus he likely doesnt even need the spin steal like shown with King, because he's genuinly stronger. The thing why he couldnt absorb from Nemesis is because Nemesis like Lightning LDrago has the dark power and on its own is an absorbing bey like we saw that he absorbed the star fragment power and then used the bit beasts of each legendary blader, and Diablos dark power is way way more powerful than lightnings and with Ragos 10 star fragments to Rayugas 1,5, maybe 2 starfragments he had because of Chris the dark power as an absorbing force is way stronger than LDragos own absorbing power. So you could argue LDragos absorbing is limitless, if you dont have a counter, like in Diablos case the dark power. But noone in the series has that counter. But then also, Orion is supposed to spin forever, Tempo and there is even a claim for Befall to spin forever, so maybe beyblade isnt thaz consistent😂
  • @bornstar481
    But in the anime ryuga wanted to battle gingka and thought he was a match for him. In the anime gingka could barely do anything until someone from outside ruined the trap with the help of masamune. Faust had the enough power to destroy cities with a single blast using hades city as a conductor. Ryuga while destroying hades city was just causing damage to random areas of it but not the whole structure itself. Twisted tempo has enough power to move a whole city through the sky. Meteor ldrago doesn’t have tempos feats. In raw power twisted tempo easily wins. Also just because ryuga caused a dent in one special move that wasn’t intended for him which he interfered in from the outside meaning the blackhole wasn’t pushing ldrago doesn’t mean he can match tempo.
  • @andrejv.2834
    I don't think a surprise attack against tempo knocking it off balance and breaking through it's special move is as much of a feat as it's made out to be For example argo managed to one shot gingka when gingka wasn't paying attention, does that make him better? Nile also managed to stop kyoya's special move in fury and stopped julien's special move in masters, both in surprise attacks as well, does that mean he'd be able to beat them in an actual battle at those points in the series?
  • I don't think Ryuga is far apart from Gingka in power levels. If Gingka is getting dominated, Ryuga ain't winning.
  • @sageblast3143
    I'll provide my take on it ; - Tempo is a stronger bey than L drago , as even confirmed by Madoka's statement in the final episode on MM confirming that it would take Pegasus+ L Drago's power to stop the power generated by Tempo. However in a battle , Ryuga+ L drago would beat Faust + Tempo. Lets look at how the arrangement system works : they take in weak bladers with a strong sense of conviction and basically drug the shit out of them. Ie the bladers who take the arrangement do not have the experience or tacticity of those who grinded in order to level up. This was shown and mentioned when Gingka used Storm Bringer on Hades Cerebrus and in Kyoya vs Damian ( the metaphor for mud and dirt). My take is that although arrangements buff the blader in general they do not make up for the experience or Bladers spirit needed to survive at that level. Same would happen with Faust and L drago. Also the Manga use a different power system as the anime ; Gingka needed Galaxy Pegasus to beat Lightning L drago and Cosmic Pegasus to beat Damian, Burn Fire Blaze was a legendary blade, similarly Ryugas L drago had to evolve in order to sustain the power from Tempo into Destructor.
  • @justunreal_
    Idk how just having data on the strongest left and right would automatically make you stronger than them. I think people forget that ryuga didn’t go all out against jack 😭
  • @KanderUdon
    Peak. The order of strongest in metal masters is 4. Gingka 3. Lion man 2. Tempo 1. Ryuga These are the four that are on another tier from the rest of the verse
  • @aquila5115
    Why do people think tempo can possibly beat L drago, entirety of metal masters we never saw ryuga use serious power once and still obliterated tempo’s special move as a hurdle while destroying a fucking city,
  • @timzyt63
    I still standby that Ryuga was the strongest at the end of metal masters. I wish he and Gingka got to have a proper battle though
  • @mx.e2-yx6dt
    I’m not sure if you saw my comment in the first video so I’ll just copy and paste it here “You point out very valid points, but I still think it debatable as Ryuga doesn’t have to be stronger than Faust to be the biggest threat to Ziggurat plans, it just means Ryuga has to be stronger than Ginka and their friends who Faust was able to completely dominating. While yes Ryuga definitely stronger than Ginka and Masamune, I have trouble seeing Ryuga dominate the 2 of them working together as easily as Faust was able to. Another thing worth considering is the feat that Faust preformed immediately after their introduction, disintegrating an entire mountain, and a lake seems a little more impressive than what Ryuga ever displayed at this point in the series, which is supported by the fact that Ginka thought that feat of strength was unbelievable despite the fact they fought Ryuga right before their match against Julian, and Faust final move was directly compared to a black hole, which is far easier to enter than it is to escape, and Ryuga stopping the move was possibly just being just because they broke Faust concentration. In conclusion I still believe that Faust is stronger than Ryuga by a decent margin, though I am open to the possibility of Ryuga being stronger, and I’m interested to hear any counter arguments against what I described above, I just ask that any counter arguments are to be respectfully written, let keep this a friendly discussion please.“ It also worth noting that Faust was dominating Ginka and Masamune when they were barely trying, that didn’t seem to be 100% of Faust power.
  • @picha0110
    Hey can you please make a video why Ryuga couldn't defeat Nemesis and what he should've done to defeat him (I mean if his bol wasn't cracked and if he got the full fragment feom Chris and etc. would he defeat Rago)?
  • @hicurls570
    In the anime modaka says to ginkga when Pegasus and L drago combine there powers it can even surpass that of tempos