Patriotic Alliance | McKenzie unpacks insights from Orania visit

Published 2023-05-07
Patriotic Alliance leader Gayton McKenzie spoke with eNCA's Heidi Giokos. Courtesy of #DStv403

All Comments (21)
  • Living in a place where there is no crime no unemployment, clean and there is respect for life is a great thing let the Oranians enjoy their hard work
  • The most crucial difference between Orania and the rest of South Africa is that there is no ANC in Orania
  • The town being extremely clean is what I am most interested about because WOW Johannesburg is DIRTY. I have a cleanup community and it's so tough to get neighbours involved and come to cleanup their own neighbourhood all they do is complain but no action. So it's a deep issue.
  • I don't blame those people in orania, we south African we are so corrupt extremely corrupted, We should learn from orania
  • This interview is proof positive, that mainstream media is not in the business of informing people, but rather engineering perception. Gayton is highlighting the fact that they are a well organised society, the interviewer ignores that and insists on them being racist and the man keeps saying, we can learn so much from them, no the interviewer goes on for twelve minutes of a sixteen minute interview on racism, have we been conditioned to be so negative that we can't even recognize a system that works and can be of benefit to us, it's disheartening indeed.
  • @zwai9532
    Gayton should go to a podcast to further explain his Orania experience. Such news platforms because of time will never allow him to tell his story without being mindful of time.
  • I appreciate that Gayton visited Orania and that he is willing to share his experience and observations. We've just returned from Japan and I can attest that the entire country runs that way - a country of 124 Million people. Also, newcomers to Japan do not enforce their culture onto Japanese culture but respect the Japanese culture and adjust to it. Orania's insistence on people accepting and respecting their culture is not so unreasonable.
  • Went there with my family over the weekend and the kids were playing with my 2 year old. The older girl (around 7/8) was like a mother, taking care of my toddler while my wife and I were eating at the restaurant. They spoke to us in English and were all really friendly. We left our keys, wallets and Ray Bans on the table while walking around and IT WAS STILL THERE WHEN WE RETURNED!!!! And like Gayton says, they all greet! Even while driving past you in their car, they will greet you. People standing in the street will stop what they are doing and lift up their hand. And yes, it is one big construction site! They are developing so fast that they are building houses where there aren't paved roads yet. This 'Cape Coloured' was pleasantly surprised.
  • I am very impressed by Gayton's objective comments about Orania. They are so successful, because they have a common vision and culture. All of them work towards the same goal, there is no infighting, corruption and greed. They work together, not against each other.
  • Brilliant move Mr, Mackenzie. You can learn from everyone and engage with everyone. It allows you to be open-minded so that when you lead, you lead progressively and you won't lead from behind.
  • @LeratoM98
    Considering our history, it's very awkward. But legally, it's private land soo they're not doing anything illegal 🤷🏾‍♀️. Embarrassing though how much more progress they've made vs how rest of SA isn't progressing like that, quite the opposite...
  • Well done Kenny and White people of Orania some of us South Africans we celebrate you guys. We see good gorvenemce and practice. And there is nothing wrong or racist with you wanting to exclude yourself and practice your culture and way of life the way you see fit for yourself. Well done don't listen to jelouse ANC some of us blacks we want same separation let ANC remain with ANC supporters and let's look back 5 years from now
  • Orania privately bought, and built on 8,000-hectares. Safe, clean, 0% unemployment, housing schemes, a trust bank, continually developing, and plans are in place to be completely off-grid (unaffected by continuous load-shedding), pretty self-sufficient as a town, producing most of what it needs, from pecan nuts to vegetables. It also rears livestock and takes care of its electricity infrastructure. It pays taxes to South Africa. Not a relic of the past but in many ways futuristic (with hope of an even better future). In contrast, The Ingonyama Trust is the nominal owner of some 2.8 million hectares of land in KwaZulu-Natal. In 1997, an amendment to the Trust Act established the Ingonyama Trust Board. With his coronation, the sole trustee of the Trust is now Ingonyama yamaZulu, King Misuzulu. The KwaZulu-Natal provincial government has hiked the budget for the royal household unit, which takes care of the needs of Zulu King Misuzulu kaZwelithini. The current financial year’s budget allocation for the unit stands at R79 million, representing a R12 million increase from the previous year’s R67 million allocation. The land that falls under the Trust includes the Makhasaneni community located near the town of Melmoth. The experience of the Makhasaneni community is an example of the failure of the Ingonyama Trust Board to protect the land rights of communities. It has authorised commercial mining activities without proper community consultation. This has deprived the community of its informal rights to land. A recent judgment of the Pietermaritzburg High Court was scathing. It reprimanded the Trust for undermining the rights of rural communities by converting their land rights into “lease agreements” and then charging exorbitant fees for occupation of land that the communities already had the right to be on. In KwaZuu-Natal, approximately 59.3% of young people aged between 15 and 34 years are unemployed." The provincial economy was estimated to have peaked at 4.2% in 2021 while the real output was projected to retreat somewhat to 1.7% in 2022 and 2023. I am not apportioning all the blame to the Ingonyama trustees, this is just a useful comparison. The ANC are the ones who have been ruling after all. From the comparison, it is clear to see that the one gives, and the other one takes. The one cares not for oneself, but for its community. The other one thinks of self enrichment, primarily. The one thinks long term. The other thinks only of the present. And so on and so on. It seems to me that the Afrikaner way is not the problem, but part of the solution. At the end of the day, you get what you vote for. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” (Attributed to) Albert Einstein. Put differently, Insanity is voting for the same party over and over again and expecting different results. I don't know what the political solution is, and I am not punting the DA, VF+ etc, I just know that the ANC is not the answer, and as long as we keep voting for them, we will get the same results and stay on the same downward trajectory. A forecast of worsening unemployment, crime, filth, lawlessness, lower standards of education, weakening of the rand, poverty, homelessness, grid collapse, contaminated drinking water, unprotected beaches, less tourism, less international investment, food insecurity, worse public health care facilities. The list goes on. In fact, one would be hard pressed to think of two or more positive outcomes from the ANC staying in power. Is this the future we want for ourselves, our children, grand-children and theirs? Have we know pride in who we are as humans, irrespective of race, religion, etc?
  • There will always be negative people who want to discourage leaders who try to make a difference and yet they do nothing.
  • @kylekyle8131
    I like the fact that McKenzie drowned out other peoples perspective, opinions and went there for himself. He collected his own thoughts and opinion, as well as giving the other side a chance to explain. On top of that he took something positive from his experience at Orania.
  • Everyone is working in Orania, clean lovely. It's seem Johannesburg and Germiston must learn from Orania
  • @dawasmith2976
    Mr. McKenzie should become the new President of SA, he is open minded, he was willing to see for himself to learn and understand how this is possible. I really hope he can be more involved to make safe, healthier, lawful changes for all. We need a voice and action that really care and wants to make a difference for all South Africans. God bless.