Published 2020-01-07
#angryr #cancertalk #hospitalctscan This is one of the most painful vids i did, if you make it to the end congrats. I am brutaly honest and angry at all i m going trough right now ....i am not sorry for anything i said, life iswhat it is, and we, the poor...we suffer....

All Comments (16)
  • @kathywright4173
    I have been thinking about this. I think we have amazing minds that can cope for us when we can't. Looking back for me it was coping with music or the joy from my children or from the beautiful weather, somehow I made it without even knowing I was dealing with the pain. The pain I always there along with the good. Hope your mind takes over and copes for you Hugs
  • @debbriggs5811
    Hugs. The best thing you can do for you and your mother is to be there for her best you can. Do what you can to give her what she needs. She will appreciate it so much. Love and family help and visits is better than medicine. ❀
  • @kathywright4173
    Our world is so messed up. We are destroying our beautiful world and the beautiful people who live here. I don't understand the cruelty. I had to live for over forty years with a heartless cold selfish mean person to protect my children. Now that its over I see so many others like him, I will never understand some people, but I know there are too many .sometimes I would just shut down. Sometimes I would completely focus on caring for my children sometimes I was in shock by other people's reaction it's like I lived in a private world. Never did figure out how to cope or what I could do I was trapped. Now I have lived thru it I survived, don't know how. Feel deeply for you and I hope you and your mom find help. Love you
  • @vg5858
    All my love to you πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
  • @Joyce-dd3fm
    So sorry to hear about your poor mom. God bless you both.
  • @vg5858
    My dad died from cancer at 54 and it was horrible πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“ you need to be angry for a moment! I really feel for you πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
  • @oliviatrue2907
    I'm so so sorry about it all. I hope your mom is receiving pain meds. Ps. I really like the antlers/branches/malignancy imagery.
  • Oh bless you, people do care about you and your family , we have hearts that can try to comfort you . I know dan thomas would be at your side helping to build you up right now πŸ’œ His insperation has travelled all over the world and contiues to. You are stronger then you think tom, I know you are going to come out of this a better stronger person. So many people love and support you even if you don't always see or feel it, when you reach the bottom sometimes there is only one way and that's up, you are entitled to your emotions , it's healthy, just make sure they don't consume you in negative thoughts. You are very loved and cared about, I will pray for your mom and family as well as yourself and well being πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
  • @debbriggs5811
    I feel certain you will make the best choices along this path your on. You know your mom better than anyone. You will make decisions based on love and respect for her. Bless you all.
  • I’m so very sorry to hear about your Mom ..... not that this helps your situation but I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer myself and I do have insurance which covered 100% of my care. I waited 4 months to begin chemotherapy, went through 18 rounds and then waited another 2 1/2 months for surgery. The truth is, the medical care system is so over burdened. There are far too many sick people and not enough physicians to treat them. Cancer takes a long time to grow that is why most people don’t recognize they have the disease. Please try to be patient, ask to see if your Mom could be put on a cancellation list things like that happen all the time and if she able to go have her test a moment’s notice that may help to get her in sooner. I will continue to pray for your Mom, You, and your Sister...... I’m sure it is difficult for all of you. Try to take care of yourself as best you can, you all need each other β™₯️
  • @debbriggs5811
    Accept help when offered. Dont take it all on your own shoulders. You and your sister have a family discussion as what to do and plan on these discussions as changes take place and as they are needed. The times are what you decide. Tomislav, many times what we think is not that way at all. Its many times the opposite.
  • @debbriggs5811
    Fill your heart and mind with love. Think of the positive things you can do. Do not dwell on any negative. If your mom can go out, take her out, even if just for 5 minutes. Do what you can while she/you has strength. This is her time. Let her decide, But always give encouragement. Do not put things off. If she/you wants to do something, do it. ❀
  • @debbriggs5811
    Try to calm yourself Tomislav. You should watch your health too. You can be there for your family if you take care of yourself better than if not. Your not a loser Tomislav. Yes, it's disgusting the world puts $ on everything. The truth is medicine does not have all the cures and treatments people need even if they have the $. If you had the $, they may take your $, do the scan and do nothing. People say to you to have hope because there are miracles that happen. People need hope. Hope is important. Close your eyes, try to relax and slowly breathe in and breathe out. Once you calm, gather your thoughts. You and your mom need to save your energy for when you need it most. It's so draining for anyone, esp someone who is not well to deal with stress. Try to minimize the stress. It's hard when you are so angry and you have nowhere to place it. I know you want to tear up your house. Go to your happy place at the pond and breathe, talk to the sky, talk to the Lord, scream, get it out.
  • @Harasezza
    A few years ago, my mother discovered she had breast cancer and thyroid cancer. Both were caught in the very early stages though. She was able to have a double mastectomy and have her thyroid removed. It was a very rough time in my life looking after her. At the same time, my father had a back injury and could hardly walk, so I was having to look after him as well. They are both doing better now, but it is important to not lose hope. I know it can be really difficult when you are in the trenches of depression and being overwhelmed, but please know that people DO care about you and your family. Have you thought about doing a go fund me for your mother's medical bills? I would be interested in donating if there was an option.
  • @vg5858
    How are you feeling today? πŸ’—