Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Quattro Stagioni - Janine Jansen - Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival

Published 2014-06-30
Amsterdam Sinfonietta en violiste Janine Jansen spelen Vivaldi's 'Vier jaargetijden' tijdens het Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival 2014.

La Primavera/Spring/Lente
Spring Movement 1 (Allegro) - 0:04
Spring Movement 2 (Largo) - 3:31
Spring Movement 3 (Allegro) - 6:02

Summer Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 10:22
Summer Movement 2 (Adagio) - 15:41
Summer Movement 3 (Presto) - 17:54

Autumn Movement 1 (Allegro) - 21:01
Autumn Movement 2 (Adagio molto) - 26:10
Autumn Movement 3 (Allegro) - 28:41

Winter Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 32:05
Winter Movement 2 (Largo) - 35:21
Winter Movement 3 (Allegro) - 37:00

Opname: 29 juni 2014 tijdens het Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival Utrecht in TivoliVredenburg.

All Comments (21)
  • I'm grateful that we live in a time where the common person can listen to the best music ever written played by the best musicians in the world...
  • @vansun6843
    Concerto No. 1 - "La Primavera" (Spring) Spring Movement 1 (Allegro) - 0:04 Springtime is upon us. The birds celebrate her return with festive song, and murmuring streams are softly caressed by the breezes. Thunderstorms, those heralds of Spring, roar, casting their dark mantle over heaven, Then they die away to silence, and the birds take up their charming songs once more. Spring Movement 2 (Largo) - 3:31 On the flower-strewn meadow, with leafy branches rustling overhead, the goat-herd sleeps, his faithful dog beside him. Spring Movement 3 (Allegro) - 6:02 Led by the festive sound of rustic bagpipes, nymphs and shepherds lightly dance beneath the brilliant canopy of spring. Concerto No. 2 - "L'estate" (Summer) Summer Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 10:22 Beneath the blazing sun's relentless heat men and flocks are sweltering,pines are scorched. We hear the cuckoo's voice; then sweet songs of the turtle dove and finch are heard. Soft breezes stir the air….but threatening north wind sweeps them suddenly aside. The shepherd trembles, fearful of violent storm and what may lie ahead. Summer Movement 2 (Adagio) - 15:41 His limbs are now awakened from their repose by fear of lightning's flash and thunder's roar, as gnats and flies buzz furiously around. Summer Movement 3 (Presto) - 17:54 Alas, his worst fears were justified, as the heavens roar and great hailstones beat down upon the proudly standing corn. Concerto No. 3 - "L'autunno" (Autumn) Autumn Movement 1 (Allegro) - 21:01 The peasant celebrates with song and dance the harvest safely gathered in. The cup of Bacchus flows freely, and many find their relief in deep slumber. Autumn Movement 2 (Adagio molto) - 26:10 The singing and the dancing die away as cooling breezes fan the pleasant air, inviting all to sleep without a care. Autumn Movement 3 (Allegro) - 28:41 The hunters emerge at dawn, ready for the chase, with horns and dogs and cries. Their quarry flees while they give chase. Terrified and wounded, the prey struggles on, but, harried, dies. Concerto 4 - "L'inverno" (Winter) Winter Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 32:05 Shivering, frozen mid the frosty snow in biting, stinging winds; running to and fro to stamp one's icy feet, teeth chattering in the bitter chill. Winter Movement 2 (Largo) - 35:21 To rest contentedly beside the hearth, while those outside are drenched by pouring rain. Winter Movement 3 (Allegro) - 37:00 We tread the icy path slowly and cautiously, for fear of tripping and falling. Then turn abruptly, slip, crash on the ground and, rising, hasten on across the ice lest it cracks up. We feel the chill north winds coarse through the home despite the locked and bolted doors… this is winter, which nonetheless brings its own delights. Suite Conclusion: 40:05 Encore: Summer Movement 3 (Presto) - 43:55 Final Conclusion: 46:24
  • @scottnolan2833
    I ran across this by accident. I was looking for something to listen to while I worked. Instead, I sat transfixed for most of an hour to the most beautiful rendition of Vivaldi I have ever heard.
  • @KennyLM3
    She plays music with the joy of a child and the maturity of an adult.
  • @amberspring298
    Concerto No. 1 - "La Primavera" (Spring) Spring Movement 1 (Allegro) - 0:04 Spring Movement 2 (Largo) - 3:31 Spring Movement 3 (Allegro) - 6:02 Concerto No. 2 - "L'estate" (Summer) Summer Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 10:22 Summer Movement 2 (Adagio) - 15:41 Summer Movement 3 (Presto) - 17:54 Concerto No. 3 - "L'autunno" (Autumn) Autumn Movement 1 (Allegro) - 21:01 Autumn Movement 2 (Adagio molto) - 26:10 Autumn Movement 3 (Allegro) - 28:41 Concerto 4 - "L'inverno" (Winter) Winter Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 32:05 Winter Movement 2 (Largo) - 35:21 Winter Movement 3 (Allegro) - 37:00 Suite Conclusion: 40:05 Encore: Summer Movement 3 (Presto) - 43:55 Final Conclusion: 46:24
  • It's easy to take the Four Seasons for granted because it gets performed so often and we hear it many times. But it's a great piece of music and this Janine Jansen/Amsterdam Sinfonietta performance really brought out the great composition by Vivaldi. They didn't rush at all. It's an excellent performance, the scenes are brought vividly to life. Lovely to see the musicians get a standing ovation at the end.
  • @RatmanCH
    BEST interpretation of Vivaldi's 4 seasons i've ever seen.... oh my god
  • @obaidslam
    Lets take a moment to thank all the sound engineers as well, who set up the mics, to capture this piece of art!
  • @someone3107
    I deeply appreciate Janine Jansen's commitment to excellence, which puts this performance a step above others.
  • @saraevans5070
    That hair flip at 18:05 is 🔥. Wow!! What an incredible violinist. This has to be one of my favorite interpretations of this piece. Bravo
  • @marcelw6827
    After 9 years still the best performance of this masterpiece. Very fresh and full of live. You can feel the seasons. Thank you Janine and Amsterdam Sinfonietta
  • I love how each artist is experiencing the music in their own special way. The faces they make, the body language, it just shows the passion and love for the music.
  • After 15 years of not playing the Violin, this performance made me buy another one. 💗
  • i watched this video more than 100 times and i never get enough of it .. the lady that play on the violin and the whole group is amazing
  • @prettypuff1
    19:36 I love how this is a full visual performance. Watching the artists match their movements to the mood of the piece is so pretty.
  • @curtcarlson8312
    How can you not like this. Amazing. Can you imagine what it takes to get a group to play this way and with such commitment, energy, and concentration? This is what music is all about. I bet they all hugged each other after the performance because you never forget something like this.
  • @MsMystique79
    Oh my GOD!! That is the best Vivaldi Four Seasons Concert I think that I have EVER seen.  It was amazing.  I've got goosebumps, tears, and a smile on my face!
  • @diogenes.
    Women playing musical instrument is a divine thing, they a force of nature, a storm of emotion, a tsunami of love ❤