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Información sobre BookChats

Book Chats is a channel to talk about books, the themes therein, and also my life. I update infrequently but if you want to keep up with me outside of youtube I'm very active on Twitter. (But my Twitter is VERY random compared to here)

I also co-host a podcast about science in media called That's Not How Science Works with y friend Nicole. Find that wherever you listen to podcasts.

I have a P.O. Box now! If you're mailing me something, 2 options:

If you're sending a letter or sending something with the USPS please send it to:

Caitlin Vanasse
P.O. Box 581623
Minneapolis, MN 55458


Currently, I'm not accepting books for review. I'm literally years behind in the books I have requested and don't feel in good conscience I can accept anything more.

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