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Jay Lopes

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Información sobre Jay Lopes

I wanted to show how when us Portuguese lost our colonies, those colonies have had devastating and violent civil wars that followed in Angola and Mozambique, which lasted several decades, claimed millions of lives, and resulted in large numbers of displaced refugees that have been unfortunately moving to Europe. After 1975, failed African central planning has eroded the initial revolutionary communist zeal. The irony of all this is after the wars, our colonies now want the level of social order and economic development they had under Portuguese rule, just like cities in America like Detroit that back in the 1950 had a 80% white population now are about 30% for the last 50 years Detroit has had African city leaders that drove Detroit into bankruptcy, high crime just like Angola . . . , and sent city leaders like Kwame Kilpatrick, Marion Barry D.C. Mayor to jail . . .

When us whites move out of a African country or African city like Detroit you end up with nothing but problems.

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