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Uber Kool Sound (UKS)

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About Uber Kool Sound (UKS)


My name is Ant and I have lived quite a mad life.

In my early years I was a wild party animal DJ / Event Promoter and was balls deep in the lifestyle for a number of years. I decided that this was not going to end great for me if I carried on in this way so I sold my business and then went travelling the world with my wifey. When I returned I quickly started slipping back into my old ways so I needed something to replace the life I used to have and decided to start MMA. I moved away and went hard into self improvement and have used podcasts etc to learn to be a better human. In this time I have earned my purple belt in jiu jitsu, earned a degree in construction management and live a healthy lifestyle. I still enjoy music as a hobby and occasionally Jam. I don't take it too seriously but its a nice escape from time to time.

Just here for my girls and to share my random bits of nonsense


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