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Next Level Intactivism

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Next Level Intactivismの説明

We are a group of Volunteers who plan and create highly efficient and effective activist projects relating to educating our society so we can soon end the disturbing psychosis of grown adults strapping down screaming children and cutting up their genitals.

We shouldn't have to spend our life telling people not to sexually cripple children. This should be OBVIOUS to any human being worth his or her carbon regardless of whatever cultural brainwashing they have been subjected to.

Some decent humans with the normal functioning brains exist and will eventually END this horrors of such psychotic, disgusting, disturbing, ignorant, evil, barbaric, cowardly, incredibly stupid cultural child sexual abuse and torture.

If you are a doctor who does this, you are a criminal serial child abuser and you should live the rest of your life in a jail cell pleasing your mutilated large cell mate. That would be the PC version of what you deserve.

One day, doctors, your victims will know what you did

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