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Iron Oath Fitness

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About Iron Oath Fitness

Whats up everyone! I'm Ryan O'Connor and I love exercise science. I am currently a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, hold a Masters in Toxicology, as well as a Bachelors in Sports Medicine. I also accidentally went to Medical School for 3 years, but thats neither here nor there.

I am passionate about helping people sift through the misinformation our current fitness industry dispenses on a daily basis. There is so much confusion out there and I will dispel as much of it as I can. I have read countless scientific articles, books on methods of training, and I have listened to numerous hours of podcasts about training. Nerdy I know.

I am confident I can help you learn the right way to train and stay consistent for life. That is the goal here at Iron Oath Fitness. You take the oath to always stay consistent. The oath to form your opinions based on science and fact. The oath to empower others, and the oath that you will be better than yesterday.

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