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SUP Y'ALL?! I'm thina.🏴‍☠️

I became a "Kpop stan" since 1998 when I was 15. Korean+rap music saved me from the bullying I experienced in my teens and it's stuck by ever since, which motivated me into becoming a hip-hop/pop dancer. I danced for, trained, and performed with 4 different dance teams. My first and main dance team was Marvelous Motion, who later became IaMmE, America's Best Dance Crew Season 6 Champions. My dance training came from Di "Moon" Zhang, Brandon "747" Harrell, Emilio Dosal, SOREAL, and from attending dance classes in Houston and L.A.

Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with lupus nephritis and seizures. After years of chemo, dialysis, 32+ pills a day, and near-death incidents, I'm in remission now. I'm not capable of being an active dancer like I used to be, but I’m still a dancer in my mind, heart, and soul. I now aim to keep a weather eye on the KPOP horizon and use what I’ve learned from my dance years to keep this form of art as infinite as possible.


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