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Redneck Flyfisherman

2 subscribers

About Redneck Flyfisherman

Fly fishing the US. Stay tuned. I'll be posting fly tying videos along with fishing trips using these flies in Rocky Mountain range, Ozarks, and Appalachian Mountains.

September 2, 2019 Update: Ok. Finally decided to retire. Sorry for the sparse video footage on the trips. Upcoming trips will be more detailed. I'm not a fan of videos with 5 minutes of fishing and 45 minutes of driving, walking, and talking BS on the way to the fishing hole. The upcoming videos will have minimal BS and maximum fishing. Unfortunately, with the exception of some of the well known public spots I normally fish, I won't be divulging specific locations on all others. I will give state names and general areas but that's the best I can do. I know lots of folks don't even give that info. I want people to get out and explore. But PLEASE!!!!!!!! Respect the land and landowners!!!! Pick up your trash and if you see someone else left some, pick up there's too. It only takes one to give the rest of us a bad rep.

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