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Sir Talkalot Doolittle

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About Sir Talkalot Doolittle

Sir Talkalot Doolittle was relentless in his pursuit of Everything That Can be Known (and Certain Other Things).
Writing compulsively over the course a lifetime, Sir Talkalot presented controversial and banal issues alike with an historian's understanding of retrospection and moral judgment. If his work has any flaw it is his odd choice of subject matter that some find eccentrically entertaining, while others dismiss it as silly and irrelevant.
However, everyone agrees that his work, while unpredictable in scope, was never dull.
In the spirit of Sir Talkalot Doolittle, who sought to educate in an entertaining way, we hope you find something here worthy of your valuable time.

Sir Talkalot Doolittle
Published and published, but perished all the same.

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