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Laura Wilde

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Información sobre Laura Wilde

If you're coming here for well professed serious stuff, well stay tuned because I'm not there yet. I will always be a touch silly, hopefully improving eventually.
I have spent years trying to decide who I am. Why would anyone care? Had I started this earlier, say before grad school, you could have seen my tears during the process of learning how to paint. You would have seen my Tarot card deck evolve, and we could have chatted about the book that I'm writing for the cards. You might have said "gee your readings are better than they were". You could also have told me how not to kill my amassed collection of succulents.
Well good news! I always have new obsessions and while developing those, I continue working on the old ones.
I couldn't decide what to throw into the soup. Lucky for me I have friends, and they said to me, "just do it, do it all", my Wunderkammer of oddities: sometimes intelligent, sometimes ridiculous.

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