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Welcome to my channel. I have playlists with projects like:

C'8 - Coordinate, a fully altruistic, free, available to all, open source disaster aid coordination software app that will also facilitate direct, specific, immediate, zero overhead, 100% transparent aid donations in a game-changing way.

#EngineeredAggression, technical boxing & striking & fight sport training videos

Stellar Consulting, construction management playlist to share free estimating spreadsheets, etc.

Cómo Ganar del Norte y Vivir en Paraíso, a playlist in Spanish on how to find clients/work from a distance working from home, taking advantage of higher costs of living & chipping away at related inequalities.

Coming soon, a playlist for The Real Volunteers (TRV) disaster based home improvement style reality TV show focused on the volunteer's perspective. The show will also facilitate direct, specific, immediate, zero overhead, 100% transparent aid donations in a game-changing way.

Thank you for your support!

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