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Rob Ster

5 購読者を
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Rob Sterの説明

This is a vent channel where the three of us used this account to spout comments sharing our positions, opinions, and passions.

We consist of three main people of three different backgrounds.

• Mechanical Engineer with the almost jack of all trades excluding electrical. An extensive background as a tradesman.

• Retired Army Vet with background more in the teaching field for Jump School and Ranger School, then moved to law enforcement. Known to be a car enthusiasts.

• IT specialist/Computer Engineering/Political Science with background working in FAANG companies. Avid pc repair hobbyists and pro right-to-repair.

All three of us are based originally in New England except for the mechanical engineer based in NYC.

Mech E and IT are the two most active in politics, while Vet is interested in streamers, video games, and cars.

See if you can tell who is who.

Why we share this channel? This used to be our channel when we met back in 2016 for a project series. Now its just comments.

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