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About TheCrnMage

May 25, 2022 Went through a serious depression phase. late 2022 and Jan 2023, realized I lost my close friends for good. Our friendship is literally dead. Do I want new friends and a healthy social life? Way too much work and I'm aging fast. My new April 2023 life and goal is to honor my dying grandma, my 87+ year old grandpa, and my parents. Gonna work out and get in great shape and try to find a girlfriend. I can NOT grant my grandma marriage and kids because my relationship started way too late but I can at least show her this. Me and my future girlfriend holding hands. Friends are temporary. But a wife is permanent. I don't believe in divorce, if you ended up being divorce then that means it was really bad that it happened. Marriage and girlfriend/boyfriend ARE NOT THE SAME THING! You can't and shouldn't just dump your other unless it's that bad. Like really bad. Marriage should highly be permanent. I may be late but at least I'll find the right one. age 33 now. That late.

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