2021 New Year Skit

Published 2022-01-02
I have been wanting to do this since last year 2020 but was so busy with work and wasn't prepared with the materials. I finally and successfully finished my project for 2021!

One last embarrassing video before I offiicially become a "true adult." Characteristics: boring, lame, dull, too strict, too responsible, no fun at all.

I just wanted to have fun a little longer. But my time is up. Time to officially grow up. This memorable video to end my fun life once and for all. Ironically, the tv show's message about the scene says the same thing to Fry's life.

(The first person to guess who both the Pikachus are in the tv show, earns a subscribe.)

Funny or interesting story. After this project, I drove to church to attend midnight service to celebrate the new year 2022 around 11:20 PM. While driving in my neighborhood, a bunch of young teenagers chucked "rocky hard thick" eggs at my car. Luckily there were no scratches or dents, just needed another car wash and it was really annoying because I got a car wash recently during the day so I'm spending double. I guess this is a sign of GOD that he hates this project because I gave so much work, time, effort, AND money to make this presentation rather than giving all that towards our Lord and Savior. Still.... It was worth it! I really wanted to do this skit even though GOD was highly against it.

All Comments (6)
  • @Mr.Westery
    Engaging narration, exciting details! Let's watch this documentary together.
  • @gamegeekx
    Contest is over. No one guessed who the Pikachus were in Futurama. No one gets a subscribe. Start of video when walking backwards, you see "Nibbler" waiting for Fry to arrive, sitting on the bed (I made up) "Here's to a lousy millenium" that is "Digby" at the back watching to see if the plan would work to trap Fry in the frozen chamber. (As a visual witness, also I made up) After the party toy, the chair rocks up and down, losing balance and then falls over. You see "Nibbler" under the desk (actually happened in an episode.) Anyone who commented just the two names would've won. But it's ok that no one got it. It is, an old and uncommon adult cartoon.
  • @gamegeekx
    "Great..... Another year" -Moral Orel Maturity episode. Feel free to comment guys. Any comment will be appreciated. Good luck to everyone in 2023. I sure will need it the most. Because of "Maturity"
  • @Ewan94
    Fancy seeing another Korean person 😀