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Smart Robot Reviews

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Smart Robot Reviewsの説明

Welcome to Smart Robot Reviews!

We are here to test smart robot vacuums. Our goal is to help you understand the robot performance, cleaning ability, etc and make the right decision of which robot would be best for you.

There is a wide range of robot vacuums including mopping robot, hybrid models that can vacuum and mop, and also those that only can do vacuuming. In a premium category, you can find Lidar and camera-guided robots. Those have accurate navigation and are more efficient.

Some Lidar-based robots are not too gentle with your furniture while others can be more efficient. Some robots have stronger suction but are not capable of cleaning carpets the way others do. Our tests try to show what the robot can do in real-life conditions.

Comparing some robots is a good way to see the difference between the two and that's what we do too.

If you have any questions about a robot vacuum, feel free to ask.
Let's have fun reviewing robot cleaners :)

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