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Scavenging UK

6 subscribers

About Scavenging UK

If people or animals scavenge for things, they collect them by searching among waste or unwanted objects.
Many are orphans, their parents killed as they scavenged for food
The Homeless and the poor usually scavenge in order to survive
Even Children scavenge through garbage.
Animals come and scavenge the bones.
It's amazing what can be found if you scavenge around small wooded areas
Expeditions would scavenge the desolate landscape for precious supplies, such as fuel and water
Many relevant articles and case discussions can be found in journals or scavenged from textbooks
Some had to scavenge information from newspapers and journals.
Sometimes data must be scavenged to find important information on a computer
Some even just do it just for fun and the majestic point of view
Overall, Scavenging is a good thing to do as it has many benefits of finding things, especially if they were lost in the first place
(Do It at your OWN risk)

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