ASMR BlackUniGryphon Fusona Motion Graphics Backside

Publicado 2019-01-08

VFX done using Trapcode by Red Giant in Adobe After Effects CC 2019. It's a LOOP!

A year ago I did THIS Motion Graphics Animation of my Fursona:

To me, I tend to view motion graphics as more basic and simple, but despite that they can get VERY complex, and time consuming. It's basically a still picture that has elements in it that moves such as VFX, but some of those can get rather advanced in technique.

I was still consider this more on the basic to intermediate end.

It was very difficult, frustrating, and stressful to try and figure these things out since 2016. But, I just kept at it. When I was at UMASS Boston so many professionals had no idea how to do these things, even tho' in theory it ought to be simple. Adobe also doesn't make it fool-proof, and doesn't exactly teach this stuff either, which I found strange because this style is not even new whatsoever.

I'm glad to get on with these things and see my progress since last year. Last year, I wanted to understand particles fully, and even tho' I can comprehend them somewhat now, I'm not a master of any of it.

3D software is a big issue of contention for me because it destroyed my entire career field at exactly the time period I graduated from animation/film/art school in 2001 even tho' traditional animation had just been peaking in the market, and Japanese traditional animation took off even further. But, I also value VFX, Filmmaking, and editing software which is much better than those old analogue video editing machines and VHS or BETA decks.

I see no reason why I can't use 3D elements, VFX such as particles, parallaxing, camera movements, 3D environments, 3D digital cameras, 3D vectors, or 2D vectors in a fusion of hand made art together. I also see no reason why it's acceptable for computers, machines, and software, ought to replace art and artists. I find this unacceptable.

This piece of artwork was drawn by hand with a pencil on paper and scanned, then cleaned & painted/colored in Adobe Photoshop.

The Motion Graphics animation + compositing was done in After Effects, and the final edit was cleaned & reworked in Adobe Premiere. I also use Adobe's Media Encoder to render out my videos because I find the codecs stay more consistent that way in the final result. It's not as noticeable in the newer versions of Creative Cloud, but it's still there.

Anyways, THIS was VERY FIRST project this year, and my VERY FIRST actual original project using Trapcode! ^,^ I was SO EXCITED to even get Trapcode back in November!

My older work usually did NOT have so much slowness, or stillness, or downtempo and even ambientness as the things I had done at the end of the 20th Century, and the beginnings of the 21st Century. So, THAT alone was a significant challenge for me, since I'd usually been such a hyper person, and prone to dynamic or flamboyant styles. But, in order to learn these things I needed to try and learn how to create things that were not fast paced, but slow, and more calm. VERY difficult for me.

Often these motion graphics projects are a way to experiment, subjectively, things like mood, emotive feelings, but also the software and allowing it to be the tool, and NOT the art.

I also do the audio design as well.