A Hard Fork for Humanity


Aboard the SpaceX Starship heading to Mars, a sentient packet of soup mix comes alive to school Elon Musk about its future inhabitants.

Music from this animation available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2zqQMUtx6t0EhCyOkcu8Z1?si=m0m2iYN_SfysU_9BuEnhzA&utm_source=copy-link

And on vinyl record: https://hexsystem.bandcamp.com/album/solutions-problems

Merch: https://umamimerch.com

Voiced by Paul Cuthbert. https://www.voicesbypaul.com/about

Script consultant / additional illustrator: Karolina Szablewska https://www.artkarolina.com

Additional animation by Allie Brown https://alliebrowniest.com/animation