ENV bug in 0.2.5d


The cart works fine in local 0.2.5e PICO-8, but uploading to the BBS (i.e. inserting in this post) is still broken. I think the _ENV is being changed to _env still by some processing after upload(?).

The following prints out 1 twice on 0.2.5c, but crashes on 0.2.5d with:

runtime error line 10 tab 0
return function_a(_ENV)
attempt to call global 'func_a'
(a nil value)
in func_b line 10 (tab 0)
at line 17 (tab 0)


Makes some of the OO/class stuff (based on https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=116282) that I've been doing a little limited.