Throw Punch!!

Publicado 2023-06-12

Throw Punch!! A one button fighting game for two players.

This was a little idea I had to try and make an interesting fighting game with only one button. The aim is to knock your opponent off the mountain. Both players gravitate towards each other and can press their button to throw their fist. When a player throws a fist it moves with the player's momentum plus a factor. However the fist decelerates then moves back towards the player fairly quickly, and your own fist can knock you backwards towards the edge! The idea is each player wants to press the button as late as possible but before their opponent... Or is it as simple as that?

Version 1.2 adds a little polish: a splash screen, a couple other stages, a transition between rounds and games and structures each game into 5 life stock battles.

Version 1.1 is here for those who want to play the older version of the game with no menus or transitions