What would I look like with braces?

Publicado 2016-03-17
------ Credits ------
fonts - @fontgod and scratch
picture - tumblr
braces info - my friends with braces and my dentist

I made this project because I don't have braces, and I wanted to know what I'd look like. Also, I wanted to know which color combos look good on teeth and which don't. (Yes, I could just ask my friends.)

This project involves camera, which is something that I don't really see in many projects, and I wanted to experiment with it.

I apologize in advance for getting some of the information wrong, because as I said earlier, I don't yet have braces. (I'm not sure if I want them or not...) Feel free to comment on what I missed, or for new colors/combos.

Also, go ahead and remix this if you change something :D

Update: (summer 2016)
I now have braces and this isn't all accurate... plz feel free to improve it if you want :)