Castle Attack

Publicado 2010-06-11
In this game you are trying to destroy a castle's wall, but you only have a catapult. So you catapult random medival objects at it. The instructions are in the game. Don't forget to check out the awards section after you're done playing.Download, or else in won't work. Enjoy!!

Creators Notes: Hello everyone, I'm finnaly done with a project, YAY! Soory about not posting, I'm a teenager so life's kind-of buisey. I got the idea for this game a looooong time ago, and now it's done. There are a few glitches. One of them is that the bricks get stuck on top of the screen, if this happens just shoot at the top. If you find any other glitches, just let me know. Since you've been reading a lot of my rambling, I should probably give you some tips. Tip 1, one of the awards is called Vegie Warrior, try to figure out how to get it. Tip 2, press G to see how much gold you've gotten. Tip 3, this is how you TYPE CATapult. One more thing, I'm going into highschool next year, so don't expect to many projects. I'm not quiting, and I never will. I'll just be realy buisey and won't make them as often. So go play my game and leave a comment! :)