My entry for the Guardians of GaHoole coloring contest by -Nightfire-.



If this gets front paged, EVERYONE will get 5 love-its!


1st: 20 love-its, 20 comments, 1 animated icon request, 10 favorites!...and fame, sort of. :P

2nd: 15 love-its, 15 comments, 7 favorites!...and probably fame if possible :P

3rd: 10 love-its, 10 comments, and 4 favorites!

ENTER NOW! btw, the owl has a metal helmet and battle claws, color them in gold, silver, or any metal colors. or even make it as ice claws, or fire claws, be creative! :3

This contest is judged on CREATIVITY. That mean, absolutly NO COPYING!

Contest ends at December 1st.

You MUST add it to my gallery: