Password Strength Calculator v2

Publicado 2012-06-05
Please give suggestions on the beta version of North OS!

1st top viewed, 4th top loved and over 1000 views! Thanks guys! :P

New in v2:
-Fixed bugs
-Gives you a '2' for very short passwords
-Changed length scripts
-Wider range of answers
-100 is harder to get
-Recognises the alphabet

Coming soon:
-Symbol recognition
-Keyboard pattern recognition
-Improved number recognition
-I'm going to fix the very long passwords getting a lower score than they should.
-Case sensitivity

Please hit love it and give feedback!

Feel free to remix and make it more accurate. Post a link if you do :)

This calculator tests a password's strength. It checks how long it is, how many times a letter is repeated and if it contains a common word (or part of it) people often use in passwords.

Simply put in a password and it calculates the strength of it, out of 100.

NOTE: This is not completely accurate, some fields I haven't covered such as keyboard patterns, for example the letters on the keyboard from left to right. It does recognize some, like qwerty and asdf, but not all. It doesn't recognize most words either.

Be sure to use symbols in your real passwords too. Use capitals and lowercase.

Post what score you got in the comments! (If you used your real password, don't post that :P)

Have fun!

Oh, it's 1s1s too :P

How fast does it load?
Flash: 10/10
Download: 4/10
Java: 3/10


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