(Meme) Marble Soda !

Publicado 2019-06-30

also i slowed the song down bc it was easier
edit: at the end i had a thing where it was like a picture of her but it looked cringey so like it died lmao i hated it sO if that part fEELS empty thats cause i deleted it

flag x3, it might lag and might be off timing for you, but works fine for me and my computer.

My first meme featuring my OC, Hirani, a Twi'lek originally from Ryloth, but lives on Tatooine. She lives with her roommate and good friend Ryder, a moisture farmer that doesn't appreciate her obsession for droids and single male bounty hunters.

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you've probably noticed ive been totally slACKING on making memes and projects, and that's 'cause...its just taking me a bit now. summer is gonna be a little busy, not to mention that im going to a new private school this fall. ill be EXTREMELY busy, with barely enough time for scratch (sports are required) and with all thats been going on this summer, ive mostly just been wanting to sit down and rp/play roblox.

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art - me
oc - hirani dura (mine)
song - marble soda by shawn wasabi

if you remix, please change something. dont steal my art or characters, i put so much work, time, and effort into them, for them to just be stolen is heartbreaking for me.