Savage -PMV- DTAE (Warnings in disc)

Publicado 2020-11-15
All art and Coding is by me, art done on firealpaca

(part of the) Song: Savage (nightcore)-Bahari

AAA-MAZING Character Designed by @Klitter <3

Name: Azami
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Azami grew up in a hard working family. She would work with her mother on housework, and work with her brother in the rice fields. She was always full of cheer and pride. Everyone she knew absolutely loved her attitude, and Courageous being. She loved her family to bits, and would do anything, anything at all to protect them and keep them safe. Life was looking good for Azami. But, in her last year of school, she was confronted by a strange letter, written by a stranger telling her to meet them on the roof. He met a hooded figure, and her mother, father, and brother were all there as well. The strange figure gave her a set of instructions, and if she didn't follow them, her family would be terminated. She agreed, and signed a strange document that the person had handed her. As she stepped down from the school rooftop, she looked at the list of instructions. She had become a hit-woman, and this was a list of people she had to eliminate. She didn't want to do this, but if she didn't, her family was going to be punished. As she went through, she noticed most of these people she didn't know. One of them being a girl named Sumiye, and her group of friends. Though Azami wasn't expecting what she got. Sumiye invited her into their group, and they all got really close. But as one by one, girls from the group started to disappear, Sumiye got suspicious of Azami. Meanwhile, Azami didn't know what to do. She had grown feelings towards Sumiye, and she couldn't do it, she couldn't take her out too. But as the year went on, stranger and stranger things started to happen to Azami. And often she would see the shadow of that strange figure who met her on the roof that one fateful day. And as the days got stranger, Azami was confronted with a choice, Sumiye, or her own family, which one would she choose?

-Story notes: I'm thinking of naming this story something like the deal. The basic outline is that Azami, unknowingly makes a deal with the devil himself. She doesn't know that he needs some of the purest souls to come to the underworld, and that he is just making her do all the dirty work. Of course the other thing she doesn't know, is that after her deeds are complete, she will join all the souls in the underworld. She doesn't read the fine print and ends up getting herself in a bunch of trouble. Also, the Devil is trying to frame her for either being a insane yandere. It's basically a mystery with a twist. She has to end up somehow defeating him in his ways, and save the day, but how will she complete such a outlandish task? With the help of Sumiye of course!
There is a lot more to the story, but No spoilers >:)

Sorry that the description was really long! I hope that you kinda like the story! :D I tried to put it into words, but it's kinda a struggle, it's way easier to put together in my head XD

Honestly this is one of my darker story ideas XD I'm so sorry XD

Conspiracy theory,

The reason that the devil came to the family in the first place is because they all sold their souls, everyone except for Azami, So they bargained with the devil to let them all go and make Azami do everything, What a loving family am I right?