☆ City Lights - DTAE ☆

Art by me: using firealpaca

AMAZING design by @LilacOwlet ^^

Song: Blinding Lights - By the Weeknd ^^

☆Name: Tyler

☆Gender: Non-Binary (They/Them)

☆Hobbies/likes: Tyler enjoys making music, and can be found sketching out designs for their new spray paint masterpieces. They aren't really a stickler on rules, so their spray paint pieces can be found all around the city. They also really enjoy late night drives through the cities. They also like exploring late at night, and standing up for what they believe in. They own a normal car, rather than a fancy futuristic one, and enjoy being more "retro".

Living in a futuristic world, one where the cities are towering, and one where robots are living among the human race, Tyler is unphased, and keeps to themselves. Though everyone else around them seems to be fine with the new changes in the world, Tyler feels as though something is off.

Their gut feelings eventually get the better of them, and they sneak into a robot making facility one night. and happens to find the room where the unfinished robots are. They looked strangely human-like. While exploring, they accidentally tip over one of the unfinished robots, which causes the lights in the building to light up. Not knowing what to do, Tyler quickly gets out of there, and hides in their car for 30 or so minutes.

When they start driving, they start to think about what they saw in there. Then Tyler notices something rattling with their car. They pull over to the side of the road, and stop the car. Though the rattling continues. It seems to be coming from the trunk. So hesitantly, Tyler pops the trunk, and inside is the half finished robot they'd knocked over from the facility. They were extremely surprised, and so was the robot. The robot explains that his name is Andrew, and that he doesn't remember anything. He'd just woken up in the strange place when Tyler knocked him over, and he decided to follow them to their car.

Tyler is extremely upset and confused by this, not knowing what's going on, so they just invite Andrew to sit in passenger seat.

As Andrew keeps explaining about certain things he remembers, Tyler starts to think that whatever is going on is more sinister than they initially thought.

Tyler and Andrew are going to have to figure out exactly what's going on with the robot industry, and how to stop it.