+*. | A friendly Giant - DTAE

Art: By me using firealpaca

AMAZING Character design for enderman: @Casterli

Music: Wet hands by C418 ^^

Name: Sir Stewart, and his pet bee Buzz
Called: Stewart
Age: Unknown, He's just a tall enderman! Supposedly the beginning of time!
Pronouns: He/Him

Personality: He's a fatherly kind of person. Very wise and noble like. He's very much got the friendly father or grandpa vibes. He's a mentor for Fallon and a father figure for her as well. He's a very big animal kind of person, and loves to decorate and be creative. He reads quite frequently and is very book smart.

Supposedly born at the beginning of time Sir Stewart was always the odd one out of the bunch. He never seemed to take interest in scaring the other people, nor does he seem to care for the others opinions. while growing up, he tended to lean more towards books and crafting, stuff that normal endermen wouldn't do. His brother would generally make fun of him. Like other endermen, he was terrified of water, and one day his brother pushed him into a pond, and nearly got him killed. Though he survived and decided to leave his home. Wandering around was his favorite thing to do. While wandering one day, he came across a baby bee. It seemed lonely so he gave it a name, Buzz, and decided to stick around with it for a while. It ended up following him and they became best of friends, wandering together and slowly enjoying the wonders of the world. One day he came across a small door, dug into some dirt in the ground. He wasn't sure what was there, and he couldn't open the door, nor go through it, so he waited outside. He ended up accidentally stepping on some small stick, and a girl came out from the inside of the house threatening him with a sword. He dropped his monocle after stepping on the stick and apologized to her for scaring her. He introduced himself, and stuck around. He eventually gained her trust and decided to help aide her on her adventure. Her name is Fallon. Now he's like an authority figure for Fallon and her main supporter.