Mobile Friendly Cup Guessing Game

All code and images by me; all audio was taken from the Scratch Asset Library. Thanks for playing!



Q. Why didn't you add a username to the cloud highscore?
A. People might "hack" the game and add inappropriate usernames. This has even happened in @griffpatch's games, where they had to be taken down.

Q. Why don't you add more games modes or backgrounds?
A. I'm working on them in a seperate project, so you can't see the assets here. But there is more coming, don't worry!

Q. Could you please add more music?
A. I'm working on it! Just haven’t found the ‘right’ music yet, but yes, I will add more music.


v1.0: Initial Release.
v1.1: Update includes username detection and highscore button is now "Score" option for players not signed in. Update also includes dark letters for the third background.
v1.2: Now, if you set the World Record and go to the Main Menu, the buttons change colours!
v1.3: Music!
v1.4: New background that will (hopefully) fit into the SDS!