
Publicado 2010-02-27
Congratulations! You just got a Zote! Zotes are a strange creature that turn into what you tell them to turn into. How to play: Click on the Zote and type in your request, if it is valid the zote will transform. Click on the "change background" button, then type in request, if valid you will go there. You can feed the zotes with the food button. Sometimes Zotes will go to the bathroom, click clean to clean. Codes: here are some of the codes you can use. Zote codes: happy, cat, dog, face, girl. Background codes: grass, house, rainbow.If you type in "clone" another zote will apear, you can have up to 3 zotes. If you type in die, the Zote will die( don't know why you'ld do that). Now that you know how to play, you can begin playing!For those of you who get bored, you can try to find all of the codes, there are 26 Zote codes, and 16 background codes.Enjoy!!

Notes from kokid10: Hello scratch world, sorry about not making any projects lately, I've been SUPER busy. I'm working on 3 games right now, so expect one coming out soon.( by soon I meen before summer). I might make another Zote game if I get 3 Love-its. If you spot any glitches let me know so I can fix them. Sorry for typeing so much I'll let you go play the game, but I have to congratulate you for reading the whole thing. So here's another Zote code (germ).