IMF Managing Director's Curtain Raiser - Spring Meetings 2022

Ahead of the 2022 Spring Meetings, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva discusses the outlook and policy priorities for the global economy. April 14 AT 9:00 AM ET.

コメント (8)
  • It would have been great if the IMF closed up shop at the end of WWII (like it was supposed to). Ah, bureaucrats... can't live with ém, can't live with ém...
  • The solution is simple " WTO should allow INDIA to export Wheat. India has a surplus of Wheat.
  • Buy Gold, and remember, if you don't hold it, you do not own it. It's pretty hard to buy Gold in my Country, because they won't permit you to take it with you, and place it in your own safe. bitcoin is a crock of sh!t. It's backed by 1's and 0's, 10k permutations cracks any hot wallet. It's been around for about 14 years, where Gold has been around for millions of years. I know what I place my trust in!