Is This It For The Finals?

Publicado 2024-07-08
This is just how I feel about the game, I'm also a full-time gwiddyer with maximum aura and rizz.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @hugegamer8004
    For me this season is way better than season 2. It's a shame about the ranked change, but for me it's always been about the gameplay loop so I'm satisfied with the world tour mode. Apart from that I think the new map is the best yet with features like water, enhanced foliage and a completely new style of architecture. The balance changes also feel good, I now switch between light medium and heavy in a good balance, no one class feeling too much more powerful than the others, bar their natural situationality. That said, when I completely finish the battle pass I won't hesitate to take a break if I feel like it, as the game has long seasons.
  • @Neb_-
    As someone who doesn't play ranked and plays power shift the most with a full squad of friends, we always have a blast and laugh to almost everything this silly game has to offer us. Legit what other shooter let you deafeat an oponent with a vase of flowers, or make your own creations with a goo gun, place a teleporter to the end of the map so whoever uses the portal falls for sparta. From a competitive view i have no clue but for a Fun experience, this is the best shooter i've played in a long time.
  • @mouradraouf8878
    Yea im also taking a phat break from this game till season 4, hope they turn it around with nice unexpected surprises. i love me surprises.
  • @honbee3431
    this just in, man plays game too much and gets bored of it to be real though- as you pointed out, this burn out is not unique to The Finals. this would happen with any game you play excessively. if you WANT to keep playing but find it to be a chore or unfun, you just need to play a bit differently. try mastering something unusual or trying a class you didn't previously. but otherwise, burnout is inevitable. taking a break helps and at a minimum doesn't hurt. i am just struggling to find any other shooters that are as fun/unique as this one at the moment
  • @cristiangarnica475
    Been feeling the same but I really feel like it’s because ranked cashout gave us a drive to do better and improve and it was a fun and hella chaotic mode for ranked. Once they bring back ranked cashout tournament we will probably get our drive to play back
  • This season was a real slap in the face. I've stuck with this game since the closed betas and I have 600+ hours in it (not counting the betas btw). I've given away battle passes every season to get new players interested in the game and for embark to capitulate to idk what audience was an insult. I've gone into details way too many times so I'm gonna keep it short here: 1. Community: They want to be catered to waaaay too much 2. Metas: Embark has this dumb habit of forcing people to play gimmicky metas like melee weapons and throwing knives and spears and whatnot. All stuff that is way too easy to play and way too annoying to go up against. Playing with a "gun" actually puts you at a disadvantage now unless you're actively playing like a sweat. 3. There's nothing there to do: When there's so much meta usage, every match feels the same. Winning? Losing? Doesn't matter, if it's not fun then there's no point in playing. Among other things, I realized that I just don't want to play games that are linked to communities anymore. Maybe it's burnout but this feels different from any other time before. At least before I could log onto a different game and have fun on that. But now, just looking at steam pisses me off.
  • @7309TEO
    Its crazy how quick games die nowdays, if this game was released 5-10 years ago, and obviously they kept cashout ranked, it would've been insane.
  • They could have a king of the hill mode 5v5 and every time you capture a point you get cash and kills can help by getting cash too
  • @ReJaggrd
    I feel the same I'm also taking a break I miss ranked cash out I gave terminal attack a solid try but it just didn't feel the same
  • I just got into it and it seems super good. I’m sure they’ll fix ranked
  • @Sickif
    I haven't been able to play any games due to the fact that my computer kind of caught fire and with the lack of money I'm pretty much going to have to wait probably till next year, I wanted to play the new season but with what happened to my computer I'm not going to be able to do anything for a very long time.
  • @chaseonthecase9191
    I’ve noticed for almost all games, that most people quit playing a game because they played it too much and got bored of doing the same thing over and over again
  • @londonwilliams4958
    Still play almost everyday. Gonna continue doing so. Have a nice day🫡
  • @joneshus6985
    Give us real ranked back, terminal attack is just for Ai day one bots that can’t wrap their pea brains around a new game mode other than bomb
  • @thomford230
    Whats worse they argued taking away cashout from ranked to make some sigificant changes to cashout that wouldnt be possible if it was ranked. And now its weeks since season 3 started and there are absolutely no changes to cashout, so they basically just killed their own game for nothing, one dev even pointed out they were very sad about the playerbase during season 3 release....
  • @vonslakken6518
    S3 is p bad, but this is a marathon not a sprint. Embark can make something extremely good here as long as they can keep their heads above water in the mean time (that is, so that Nexon doesn’t cancel them). We must believe. The Finals is our only hope as FPS fans. This genre has been dead in the water for almost 10 years, spare very few big titles that actually did something different. (R6 comes to mind)
  • @7309TEO
    TA is dawg shit, it is literally the biggest fuck up ever, like they took what the game is and threw it down the gutter :D that's creating basketball, and in the 2nd season you make it football ? like wtf :D cashout is insane I loved it, now I have the ranked TA