Should You Say "Christ is King"

In this episode we talk about the Christ is King controversy that was trending on X. Also, we will look into the odd trend of Muslims saying, "Christ is King". From Candice Owens, Ben Shapiro, to SNEAKO, Andrew Tate to other Muslims saying Christ is King. We investigate the use of this being used as Antisemitism. We tackle this topic from 4 different perspectives, and we hope that you can find the balance and Truth surrounding this controversy.


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DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this podcast do not reflect the official policy or position of the US ARMY, Department of Defense, or the US Government.

コメント (11)
  • @d.hughes9016
    Great guys, you’re building momentum. Keep up these great topics.
  • The issue is not whether someone believes "Christ is King." The issue is Candace Owens' used the phrase as a taunt to her employer, who happens to be Jewish. Her saying "Christ is King" to him is like telling him "You don't own me" or "You can't boss me around," but is especially offensive since she knows Ben doesn't believe in Christ and she knows that Jews were persecuted for many years specifically for their refusal to accept Christ. Regardless of one's religious beliefs, using a phrase like that is just a taunt meant to be disrespectful and hurtful. It wasn't meant to display any true religious meaning.
  • @gideondavid30
    Does it take over an hour podcast to talk about a harmless phrase like "Christ is King. The way Candice Owens used it in the context of her conversation with Ben Shapiro came across as offensive but the phrase itself is not.
  • @sheepnick1
    I’m curious how many people even knew about this? I just talked to someone today and they hadn’t heard about it.
  • @BryceBoles
    How about just posting: Christ is king... and he isn't anti-Sematic.
  • Similarly to the comment at 5 minutes, i haven't heard any of this and if you had to go looking for it, is it really an issue at all? Can you describe in ways we have a culture hostile to Christianity, said at around 11 minutes, some examples? To comment on the anti vax thing, if your ideology runs parallel to a certain demographic is it not easy to see how one could fall under an umbrella of a definitive term? Wait you cared about Candace Owens before her spat? You guys were heading in a good place with the Christ is King/Black lives Matter points and then kind of fumbled. Really good point about a call to action at minute 38! But has there been a discussion about why Christianity and White Nationalism seem to be so cozy? Doesn’t Numbers 5:11-31 give a pass to some form of abortion though? Also doesn't the Bible have rules for slavery? So where do we stand moral wise on holding the line on that? The confederate flag has ALWAYS had that connotation in the larger black community. You being ignorant of that is understandable because there was a effort to dilute what to confederacy stood for. You can get into it because we have the historical recipes for what that flag stood for. Keep in mind this issue seemingly wasn't trending in the greater zeitgeist of easter Sunday stuff. That a few people on the show actually had to go looking for it. So is there actual tangible persecution or are y'all seeking it? Good talk but yall boys still nasty.