The return of wars, explained | Yuval Noah Harari

Published 2023-11-16
The list of current conflicts and wars is long – and it’s growing. "The global liberal order has been attacked and destroyed“, says historian and author Yuval Noah Harari.

In ZEIT Online's geopolitics explainer, producer Sven Wolters explains, why conflicts worldwide are escalating.

"We are sliding back to the jungle“, summarizes Harari the current situation and warns that we must not forget our secret to success: cooperation.

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All Comments (21)
  • @exco_preacher
    it is unfortunate that we're forgetting what could happen if we lose this fragile order that our grandfathers built after experiencing the horrors of 2 world wars. the comfort in the west is making people forget what humans are capable of
  • @OzdenKrilen
    Hello from Türkiye to the good people with universal values and kind heart. It is a shame that we are all oppressed.
  • The voice of one crying in the wilderness. What a shame all intellectuals could do is observe the catastrophe unwinding. Thanks Yuval for your humanity and ability to put things into perspective.
  • @lampandandi4087
    A very good overview. He didn't suggest a clear path to a possible solution with the existing global players, but the general idea to a brighter future is clear.
  • @andacomfeeuvou
    The position of left-wing Jews in the face of the wars in the Middle East is uncomfortable because they see themselves attacked by both sides: extreme right and anti-Semites. And there's not much you can do because both sides aren't usually intelligent and educated people. I have great admiration for Harari, I have read all his books and I agree with his opinions with the exception that he always expressed in his books an optimism about humanity that never seemed very real to me. I have never had any illusions about the ability of the human species to live together peacefully. Today, more than ever in our history, the future is very worrying. We have accumulated many problems in recent centuries and the general scenario is much more indicative of worsening problems than of solutions. In this video, Harari gets straight to the point: no cooperation, no civilization.
  • @josenajas
    You are one of the smartest, most influential and clear people in the planet in the last 50 years, Yuval. Thanks.
  • @Emoricful
    There are few unique people that are able to talk so profoundly. Anything I watch with you or read your books, it is humble, honest. hopefull and pure. Thank you for this. I wish, more people with your character and wisdom would make the big decisions.
  • @blacklight4720
    He gets some things right and some not so much. What is worse is that the channel edits bits and parts that serve the channel(Z) agenda. So we as viewers get a very skewed overall message. The part that got me slightly annoyed is the part with "Europe met refugees with nationalism", seriously? If anything Europe met refugees in the first place which is not something to be taken for granted. Europe met refugees largely with a liberal approach. It was the Muslim refugees who did not want to assimilate and demanded things that kick-started nationalism. Ukrainian refugees don't cause the same problems as refugees from muslim countries, because the culture is different.
  • @mdharmaraj1631
  • I always love your insights and have been a fan of your work for many years, but It is a bit frustrating how this is leaving out what impact ruthless exploitation and capital interests have had on the lack of stability around the world and how it influenced many bad political decisions, which then in turn diminished the credibility of countries like the USA, promising a safer world. I honestly believe greed frequently overwrote sensible decisions to create stability long term. It seems to me that while some people want to collaborate for peace and to tackle larger issues there is always someone waiting to exploit the situation for their personal gain, thus threatening stability. I guess it's a taboo for "Die Zeit" to questions what role the west has been playing in its own decline over the years.
  • @sgs261
    Very clear eyed perspectives, and bringing concepts like polarity to amateurs such as myself. Thank you.
  • @johnhookway6468
    The problem is that humans are not inert pieces on a chess board and can't be moved like pawns. Sentiment and TRUST need to re-established. "There can be no friendship without confidence, there is no confidence without intrrgrey".
  • @eg4933
    Yuval Noah Harari deserves a prize.
  • @peteraron9071
    It's interesting that populism is appearing in the very places where countries with liberal democracies have taken advantage of certain nation states. As Harrari admitted in the video, there have been many failures in global cooperation. In addition, liberal democracy itself is conditional on a unipolar world order, which entails trying to prevent and suppress its competitors. Hungary is a good example of this: when we joined global cooperation as a free country, we gave up a lot of things in order to do so, but when our own problems arose, we received lectures and not proactive help. These countries started to take the lead. THIS is what happens when a great power looks down on its allies, refuses to take their point of view into account. This is what caused the horrors of the Second World War, when Europe was also divided up unfairly on the basis of unilateral great power politics, creating instability. The response was just as radical: World War 2. Nor should we ever forget Talleyrand's dwarfism of legitimacy as a world autocrat, because the pendulum swings back the other way with equal force.
  • Not only do you write great books, you also produce incredible documentaries. Thanks for everything Harari!
  • @Brian-os9qj
    The rapid move to reach globalization, with it’s ‘rising of all boats’, quickly made entities powerful that really don’t want fair distribution, of all things peaceful, until they gets their’s first. Also, the pernicious religious zealotry factors partner in. Learning to tone that aspect of human nature is our civilization’s next hurdle. World health/wealth has risen, but death cult power rose as well.
  • @jellyrcw12
    You are one of the most grounding voices out there right now. Thank you!
  • @deeznoots6241
    People got too comfortable with all the peace and forgot the horrors of war
  • @cfyves
    I'm grateful for your voice.