Homo Deus: A BRIEF HISTORY OF TOMORROW with Yuval Noah Harari

Published 2017-04-24
Historian Yuval Noah Harari has taken the world on a tour through the span of humanity, from apes to rulers of the world. Harari became an international sensation when he argued in his best-selling book Sapiens that humans conquered the world through our ability to believe in collective myths about gods, money and freedom. In the highly-anticipated sequel Homo Deus, Harari looks to the future, exploring how godlike technologies such as artificial intelligence and genetic engineering will define what we become. Recorded on 02/27/2017. [6/2017] [Show ID: 32146]

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All Comments (21)
  • "Freedom and feelings mean nothing". Got it. Would like to see him explain that to a grizzly bear in the Rockies
  • The introduction was amazing too, Great job bringing a brief resume of Sapiens to talk about Homo deus. Impressive!
  • @abasit.khan82
    Humanity over humanism. A best and clear way to live
  • @sedeslav
    According my searches for all this years YouTube recommended me exactly Yuval Noah Harari
  • @squamish4244
    It is surreal that this is either the beginning of a new era for humanity or the end of everything.
  • @rafajedryka7625
    Humanism is when you overcome your fear to save someone. Humanism is not when you listen to your feelings but when you can sacrifice yourself and initiate action that seems against all your calculations, feelings or algorithms.
  • @micah4242
    My algorithm served this up for me and I thought it was tripe. So what does that mean? If I listened to my feelings only, I would eat cookies and lie around all day.
  • @brainor98
    "Cogito ergo sum" takes a different sense altogether! This feels like the description of a meta-algorithm to optimise Survival and Specie Continuation.
  • @200tdi1
    Listening to harari brings to mind Jung's question: "Is the individual knowingly in relationship to something infinite or not?" If no, his life is wasted, the earth is barren, desolate. From the drivel of death above, uttered almost gleefully, sounds as if someone needs to get related.
  • @asherwade
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau said about Democracy, ‘The problem with the principle of “the majority rules” is that the majority is, by-&-large, ill-informed.’
  • @sudiprabha8704
    He has took all possible essence of human evolution for the future humankind and left parts of history to the present and future historians to conduct workshop only.😊😃😄
  • @lothar4tabs
    The comments of this videos are a perfect illustration of his thesis.
  • @Banjara_Safar
    Gave an altogether different perspective about life!
  • “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”-Frank herbert
  • My thoughts after listening to Yuval Harari session : 1. Baboon used only biochemical algorithm process and courage to choose from a chase to eat or not to for bananas. I think it is dependent on more elements like age, rage, confidence, time of the day, lions alterness for prey and most importantly the level of hunger. If he is factoring all this in biochemical algorithm then all well. 2. He talks about medival period, Church and the commendments. Well at same time there exist other societies where there was no commandments and the whole idea was about self realisation and spirituality. People is such society lived in harmony, civilised and less barbaric way comparitively. Throughtout the session he didn't touch upon such socities so I believe his wisdom is coming from there. (Punn intended) One should imagine the computing power as 100 of 1000s of human brain reading, thinking, discussing and learning the subject together and answering the questions together as well. Thats how I see AI and Data Seciences. 3. Google, Amazon doing decision making about personality or marriages are like turning the young generation back to arrange marriages where at subtle level elders in the family used to decide if alliance suits the peraonalities for good of marriage life. I imagine he is one who follow his heart and firm believer that everything is inside oneself and need not to be searched outside. Well he seems worried too much but let me tell you a spoiler prediction says that there will be no life on the earth in next 50,000 years because of Sun's heat and growing size. I hope by that time human , if not defeated or killed by AI led Robotics, will enable themselves to migrate life to other planets without passports, visas and maps of territories of chosen destination.