'Are you just a shameless criminal?': P&O boss grilled over mass sackings

Published 2022-03-24
P&O Ferries chose to sack 800 workers without consultation because ‘no union could accept our proposals’, the firm’s boss admitted to a Commons committee investigating the controversial decision.
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Furious MPs told Peter Hebblethewaite - who started the hearing with an apology -  the firm was ‘behaving like gangsters’ and asked if he was ‘a shameless criminal’

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P&O Ferries should have consulted sacked staff but chose not to, boss admits ► www.theguardian.com/business/2022/mar/24/po-ferrie…

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#PandO #ferries #sacked #shameless

All Comments (21)
  • @gmf121266
    It's quite clear. A company that refuses to pay national minimum wage should not be in business. Full stop.
  • @Yamthief
    He has stated that £5.50 is the average hourly salary. That means there are going to be people who are being paid below that. That's insane.
  • @trevorsmith470
    "There's no way what we did could be legal, so we opted to adopt an alternative legal framework."
  • @xena2559
    I've seen it happen over and over again with many companies. Greed, lack of investment, scrounging on people for years. Companies go bust, CEOs go rich and often start a business again to go thru the same cycle.
  • @funster73mcr2
    CEO's who openly admit to breaking the law should be arrested and charged like any normal person would be.
  • @arbeione
    I feel so sorry for the people and families affected. Shocking way to handle business.
  • @_shumba
    I see how the Guardian smartly made the main video "5:50" long in line with the wage the P&O is trying to pay their staff. Unfortunately this is how vile some people are within the corporate world and unless the toxic culture of companies is tackled through intense vetting for those in leadership positions, this will persist.
  • @jakebe4915
    And I thought Bankers were vile. This CEO takes the prize. Laying off 800 people in a Zoom meeting while collecting a million pounds with bonus etc. Awful!
  • @redmed10
    Always makes me laugh when you get interviewed for a job at companies you are asked why you want to work for this company just saying " for the money" is not considered an acceptable answer.
  • @chichichi998
    "Are you in this mess because you don't know what you're doing or are you just a shameless criminal?" LOLOL
  • @amirdiabe
    This is why you want to have a unionised work force, so you can fight when companies try pulling stunts like this. People often complain about Underground staff/TfL staff for going on strikes, but it's their strikes that have protected their work conditions. It seems to be an ever growing trend for most companies to try get labour on the cheap. Teachers, Nurses, Retail workers, etc etc all need to fight for better rights.
  • @jwdsnapper
    It seems to me , people in power seem to get away with apologies , yet the ordinary man in the street would be straight to jail.
  • @Jess-T
    P&O have destroyed their brand. How can they take care of customers if they refuse to take care of their staff.
  • @britishmick
    This is characteristic of the narcissistic traits that sadly “most” CEO’s MD’s and general managers display on a daily basis, they only feel sorry for themselves and are only concerned that “they” have been taken to task… the workers are nothing but a side note, I’ve seen it with every employer I’ve worked for, ppls wellbeing doesn’t earn money therefore does not concern the hierarchy.
  • He's on over 300k pa and expecting workers to live on less than Minimum Wage, constantly hiding behind international exchange rates. Despicable man and a despicable company.
  • @Spedley_2142
    No, we didn't consult the Unions because we know what the fine is for not doing that and it's worth it.
  • @snafufubar
    No government contracts. Maximum court appearances. If I was employed by this company I would leave as fast as I could. They have shown how valuable their staff are.