Rolling Thunder - A Marine's Vigil

A solitary Marine holds vigil at full attention during the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in tribute to fallen comrades.

コメント (21)
  • Don't know if you people remember this man, but he deserves to be remembered. If I'm not mistaken he had a broken wrist back in 2011, and instead of putting it in a caste he went out and stood his post for the entire rally. This man deserves to be remembered by everyone of us, I don't care if you don't agree with the wars, with the government, or even the military in general. This man goes out and honors the fallen, honors the warriors who went without, and honors the warriors who many thought it better to spit on, all of his own free will. God Bless you Staff Sergeant Chambers, may the world remember your name, and may your family go without want.
  • @MrNonch1
    What a wonderful, selfless act of Remembrance. I'm English, but can still appreciate the way he honoured his brothers in arms, both living and dead. This is just one reason why America can return to it's former glory. I salute this guy for everything good that this video stands for. In perfect English " Dashed fine show Old Boy- Absolutely capital" :-)
  • it was over 102 degrees that day and he stood til 50,000 bikers passed, 5 1/2 hrs
  • @Chant66
    In case anyone wonders what real honor looks like, this is it. Thank you SSGT Tim Chambers for all you do to remember the fallen. Slow salute.
  • my uncle was a POW in the Philippines during WW2. thank you for your service and dedication.
  • @rogerla45
    It has been my extreme privilege and honor to have participated in this experience a number of times. A truly deeply moving event.
  • Rolling Thunder was a few yrs ago. This is emotional. You see it in the face of the Marine. With three Nephews Serving one Deployed now and a Daughter or Marine. This makes my heart just melt
  • @pl629
    No matter the color of a person's skin, if he or she bleeds Red, White and Blue, they are comrades to the end.
  • @2NDCBT
    Thank you SSGT Chambers! Semper Fi.
  • I lived just outside of D.C. the very first year of Rolling Thunder. I heard my apartment windows vibrate, and the floors shook, as all these fine veterans rode by. I later went down to the Mall, where I heard the most amazing speeches and met some of the best people in my life. Watching this makes me still have hope for our country.
  • This was amazing, for every real American that is proud if our country and respects all our military!!!
  • @47927411D
    As a vet myself, this makes me so proud. Thank you to all vets for your service
  • When that Vet stopped his bike and raised a salute to that Marine, I couldn't help but get choked up. One of the most beautiful moments I've seen in a long time. Thank you for posting this!
  • @WC86EVA
    Just found this video from reading "American Legion" magazine. This is fantastic. What a spectacular tribute to our fallen heroes. THANK YOU SIR FOR THIS VERY TOUCHING PATRIOTIC ACT. GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE TO OUR COUNTRY.. From a Navy Vet.
  • There really are no words that could ever describe how wonderful this tribute is. I think we take for granted our freedoms and need to be reminded that these freedoms come with a cost. Thank you to all those who have served and serving. And not to forget their families as well...THANK YOU...
  • I don't know how many times I've watched this, but it brings tears every time.
  • The Marine's name is Tim Chambers he has been doing this for many years.