What Cops Don't Tell You. True Emotional Stories From Police Officers. Part 1 of 2 || Episode 19

Published 2022-02-06
The guys share deep conversations about the realities of being a police officer. They share emotional stories of traumatic events they have endured during their careers and the emotional toll it has taken on them. They discuss the "why" they became police officers and why they continue to stay in the fight. This is part 1 of a 2 part series of dramatic stories and true events of the daily life of a police officer.
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Check out the Field Survival Training website: www.fieldsurvivaltraining.com

All Comments (21)
  • I'm a felon and have done some time. Been on the wrong side of the LEOs many times. But now that I've turned my life around Many years ago, I have the utmost respect for you guys.
  • I'm a UPS Driver and I support Police. Listening today made me even more SUPER grateful for everything y'all do. From South East Idaho. This show is legit
  • @kelleynation448
    Stumbled upon this, 20 year old here. I start academy in a few days. Thank you guys for your service.
  • @ryanfagan0734
    I had a one year old die in my arms while I was in FTO and I had just found out 2 weeks prior my wife was pregnant with our first kid and we get to the hospital and I hear the doctor yell “Fuck” and called the time of death and then I hear the moms blood curdling scream from the ER waiting room….that haunted me for over a year until I finally told my wife when my kid was about 3 months old because I wouldn’t sleep
  • @ianmichael91
    The worst thing I’ve experienced was the drowning of a toddler my second week on FTO; it was the first time I actually drove code 3. Thank you for sharing your stories. It will always be with me, but knowing other cops felt/feel the same way as I did/do helps when that incident pops up in my head.
  • These guys are still holding back. Why you ask? Well, because Officers, Deputies, Troopers etc., are openly denied their 1st Amendment right, on or off duty. We can't tell you what we really think, unless it's done with anonymity. If we (Specifically Veteran street Cops) really told you what we think and know, feelings would be hurt all around this Nation.
  • I only just found this podcast and it’s a revelation. Kyle, I can relate to your story about the drowned 2 year old. I’m a PO in Australia and attended a very similar job. When I listened to you describe it , I was immediately taken back to my incident. It was uncanny how listening to you recount your experience and feelings, during and after , were almost identical to my own. I had a 3 year old at the time and exactly the same feelings went through my head . As soon as I think about it I’m immediately taking back there and have this instant feeling of sadness come across me. It took a lot of therapy to reprogram my brain to process it. I feel ya brother, stay strong!
  • @padarousou
    Shoutout to you guys being so open about what you do. It’s important people understand the cops perspective and the kind of things you guys see
  • Just got listening to a couple episodes and I feel like I just read a dark dark book and it reminded me of my days in war. The peace that I got from hearing u warriors speak with eloquence and selflessness made me feel human again. I’ve applied to an agency in Los Angeles and I can only feel comfort if I get in I will be trained by a gentleman like yourselves. Freaking amazing podcast. Good for you guys !
  • I had a very similar experience to Kyle. I went through the police academy un-sponsored at 19. I got a similar pre hire talk. It was a risk but I'm thankful to be where I am today. Was also thankful that Ohio law allowed me to carry off duty prior to being 21. I'm sitting at a little over 3 years experience now and have gotten the ability to dip my toe into one of the big three things that every officer wants to do. Couldn't be more thankful than I am for how its shaped my adult life
  • @gailforbes7834
    This broadcast specifically is great! It is a way to see things from a different perspective that is important! This goes a long way in showing people what good policemen are all about without bragging or self congratulating. It is such an honest and open show! Thank you!
  • I found this podcast, when tried to ask for Youtube a video high quality content with new vocabulary for me, and different accent and other kind of topic podcast regular that I used to listen. Im from Colombia, sorry for my Grammar, actually Im student English, but I feel a big respect for those people who are in the Army, Law Enforcement and watch us and care of us everyday without condition. Thanks!! HEROES
  • @catch1244
    I loved listening to this. I had wanted to be in the police force for most of my childhood but the worries for something unfortunate to happen while on duty made me question. I wanted to learn more about it as I am now 17 and wanted to make sure it’s what I wanted to do. This gave me great reassurance, thank you❤
  • @lailaissa7836
    Cops have such a big impact in society. Kids do look at you guys like hero’s. I hope each community can work together to bridge the gap between policing and community.
  • This is great! I want to go back to my hometown to finally be a police officer after I’m done with this contract! (Active duty Navy.) “the adrenaline, the rush” I couldn’t have said that better myself. Literal dream come true when it’s my time! Take care.
  • @rubentroyer8941
    Thanks for your show. I'm not a cop or a dog handler but I was a firefighter and now I train the military working horses that do the funerals in the Arlington National Cemetery. I have sustained quite a few traumatic injuries from reactive horses and I started getting symptoms similar to what you were described experiencing in Mike Ritlands podcast. That EMDR works wonders. Thanks for sharing the knowledge!
  • @lailaissa7836
    I love this channel 💙💙 thank you guys for your service!
  • Unbelievable. The story about Smile Generation was incredible. He is 100% without question a hero.