The UGLY TRUTH of Being a COP!!

Publicado 2017-03-22
SnapChat: officer401
Thank you so much to my Patreon subscribers!! You have no idea how much you help me out!
Get ready for the ugly truth..

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @arcamemnon9193
    I'll never forget the moment I was schooled in the realities of what being a cop really meant. I was still a rookie with about 3 weeks on the street. My FTO and I got a call to a seedy motel about screams being heard. As we pulled up I heard the horrific cry of a small child and charged the room smashing in the door. The child's mother had a hot iron and was pressing it down hard into the bare stomach of the 3 year old. I shoved her out of the way and had to peel the hot iron out of the child's flesh. Based on the depth of the wound she had been doing this for quite some time. I was so enraged I spun to face the mother and was reaching for my revolver. My FTO stepped in front of me and stopped me and said "it's part of the job, you have to learn to deal with it". I never lost it like that again but my eyes were opened that day for sure.
  • @kiawev970
    Listening to this makes me feel like he had flashbacks and nightmares frequently...... Through all of these ugly truths, I see a beautiful person. Thank you for your service.
  • @DoughnutLord50
    Real as it gets. My partner was shot in his chest yesterday on a warrant service. I feel helpless right now.
  • @patriot9067
    I am a retired Deputy Sheriff, served 21 years with my department. This video is 100% correct. You are going to see the worst things imaginable. But being there to help a victim makes all the bad stuff worth it. I have had parents come up to me years after I responded to a call to their house and thank me saying that the night I spoke to their kid, changed that kids life and turned them from the bad path they were heading down. You do have to face the fact you cannot save everyone. But if you can save one, it makes it all worth it. Throughout my whole career I had one main rule. Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. It don't matter if you were a victim or a suspect or just a witness. Treat everyone with respect and professionalism. Until that person did something to the contrary then they brought that on themselves. But still stay professional. You will deal with the worst people in society. Put yourself in their position, would you want a cop coming up to you and talking down to you. No so don't do it to others. And remember the better you do your job the longer these people do in jail. And one final thing, don't be afraid to talk to people. You can get alot of information from people just by talking. I had a suspect one time I felt it was about to get into a physical fight when it wad time to arrest him. I could see he knew it was coming and started squaring off, puffing up, when i asked him, dude thats a nice car, what year is it?, something that simple threw him off and just kept asking questions about the car. After a bit he calmed down and when it was time to put him in cuffs, he knew I was there just doing my job and I was human. Best years of my life. So if your considering becoming a law enforcement officer, yes there is alot of bad out there, but the little victories make it all worth it. Stay safe my brothers and sisters
  • @unlucky7s898
    I was pulled over yesterday and asked if they heard of you and they said no and I just looked crazy
  • @lunalie6938
    the first time i was pulled over by a cop was when i was 9 and riding my bike with the right safety checks. he gave me a DQ free ice cream ticket for being safe on my bike
  • I used to hate police officers, i grew up around drug users and dealers. As i grew up i realized what Police Officers stand for and what they do for our community. Now im pursuing a career in law enforcement.
  • @MeMesofSavagery
    My father is a retired police officer, he never brought his work home with him but he always made sure we knew the dark side of life and showed us the value of integrity and honor and what it looks like for those who don't posses such values. Ty for your service 401
  • @ccsniper
    As a paramedic I have seen many of these that he is listing off. It stays with you. Whenever someone asks you what the worst call you have ever had you respond with "which one?"
  • @skateordie1589
    This is easily one of the most powerful videos I've ever seen. You shouldn't be so modest when you talk about how quickly your channel has grown. You've earned every sub.
  • @paulmood308
    We watched a kid burn to death in a car one night. He was calling out to my officers before I got there. They were so messed up after that. Angry they could not save him. I wish I could get one of those MIB flashy things to erase my memory when I retire in 5 years. It really takes a piece of your soul. Too many terrible memories, just too many.
  • @opkl3634
    I used to hate cops; they came so many time in my home when I was a kid, parents from he'll. But as I grown up; you guys have all my respect. Tough job for sure.
  • In the 90s I went on a ride-along with my boyfriend who was the city of Miami cop, he had a call it was a triple homicide, I was so scared I didn't even want to leave the vehicle, he told me not to worry everything would be okay, when I entered the home it was the most horrific thing I've ever seen, that's when I knew I don't have what it takes to be a police officer. Much respect to you.
  • @43nostromo
    Let me also add this: I worked in EMS for 7 years as an EMT in the DC area before going on to medical school. It is not at all unusual (at least back in the 80's or 90's) to have cops that have double rolls as volunteer firefighters and paramedics. Because of their police training they saved my ass more times than I can count. Example: An unconscious drunk regained consciousness and grabbed my leg while taking his blood pressure. The guy was huge and I was maybe 19. The FF/Cop sprang into action and had him in a head-lock within 5 seconds. For anyone who thinks cops are pigs, just remember the next time someone breaks into your house or a family member stops breathing or you are in a horrible accident. Chances are, the first people on the scene will be a cop and they will save your ass too. Thank you for your service and thank's for saving my ass.
  • I've been an officer for just four months and it's amazing how much of this I've already experienced. Officer 401 is absolutely correct, it's a very rewarding career but it comes with its costs and sacrifices.
  • @tig3r_lily
    As a Marine Veteran and as a current LEO I wanted to start to cry at the end around 8:20. most people don't understand the toll it takes on your own mental state. thanks again 401 from South Carolina
  • @Chase0370
    Don't care what folks say about Cops or in the military. thank you for what you do. Physically and Emotionally it has to be tough.
  • @AlyssaMicheline
    This video was so sad to hear 😢 It's the nature of the job but people really don't know what you guys experience on a daily basis. Stay safe and always thanks for what you do!