Judge Judy Knows Horse People

Published 2016-05-18

All Comments (21)
  • @sheismymom
    Get that woman an ambulance she's having a drama attack!
  • @sarahbee3868
    The defendant has goreous hair. I wonder if she uses Mane & Tail.
  • @ItsIdaho
    "I adopted a Kid. Now I am gonna sue the biological parents for food money and rent."
  • @michaelwest1558
    The older lady agreed to pay 15 monthly payments of $100 totaling $1,500 and acknowledged that she has only paid one of the monthly payments. So why is she acting all shocked and surprised that she has to pay the remaining balance of $1,400? I mean come on. It's not like Judge Judy ordered her to pay it back in blood.
  • @dfa3366
    That old blond women acts like she was given the death penalty. I bet everything is a drama in her life. "OMG...the sink is clogged. The world is crashing before me"
  • @sheismymom
    Judge Judy doesn't deal with nonsense before lunch.
  • @sexymothman9620
    The faces of the people in the audience when the old lady starts freaking out is what keeps me alive.
  • @falseking989
    The plaintiff is clearly a Karen. She pays $100 of a $1,500 horse & thinks she’s going to not pay the rest of the $1,400. Instead of paying the balance of the horse she wants the seller to pay the feeding & boarding of the horse. It’s an obvious scam. I ❤️ the defendant’s reaction.
  • @bb22602
    I have a feeling Ms. Over-reaction is used to getting her own way and this time she didn't.
    The plaintiff is acting like she's headed to the electric chair or something
  • @MystikBlue5
    Legend has it, she is still reacting to this day.
  • @tonyc7301
    2:07-As good as the plaintiff's ridiculous reaction was, the defendant's was just as good. The shocked look on her face that she won plus the loud hand clap like "hot damn!" was awesome.
  • $1500 for a horse??? that's it!!??? wow.. some breeders sell their puppies for that. my teacher bought a horse for her daughter and it cost her $4000. $1500 is a steal.
  • @meeshprice4753
    Wait...so essentially the plaintiff "bought" a horse from the defendant, only made 1 payment, now wants the defendant to PAY HER for her own horse? MORE than what the defendant even "sold" it to her for?? Mann, if self-entitlement was a person... Her dramatics at the end are so mind blowing. Because how tf is she shocked that she lost? She literally tried to buy a horse and charge the seller for selling it to her.
  • That's like suing a car dealership for the gas and parking fees for a car you've failed to make payments on. WTF is wrong with that woman?
  • @KayleeCee
    That lady must have been banking on winning her case, although I can't see why. She must have needed that money bad, other she wouldn't have been freaking out so much.
  • She came in court smiling with glee and left reacting as if she was handed a life sentence XD
  • This lady really tried to sue her and she only made one payment is she serious how are you going to sue someone you owe money too 😂 at the end she acted like she was dying 😂😂😂