Why Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is the BEST and WORST of Ubisoft

Published 2023-12-19
In this video, we take a deep dive analysis into Massive Entertainment's Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

Ubisoft Open World Games are always a big talking point in the video game industry, often criticized for filler and formulaic content in an interesting world. It seems that Avatar Frontiers of Pandora breaks free of this formula in some ways, but relies heavily on them in others. Therefore, we take a look at why Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is the best and worst of Ubisoft.

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Avatar Frontiers of Pandora (2023)
Assassins Creed Mirage (2023)
Assassins Creed Valhalla (2020)
Far Cry 6 (2021)
Far Cry 5 (2018)
Far Cry 4 (2014)
Far Cry 3 (2012)
Assassins Creed Origins (2017)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2018)

0:00 - Intro
1:32 - Part 1 (Open World)
9:57 - Part 2 (Gameplay)
18:39 - Part 3 (Story)
23:37 - Summary

All Comments (21)
  • @TSYN_reviews
    In all honesty.. this game actually made me feel like i was playing a game not a quick cash grab game . You know what i mean? In today's time thats rare .
  • @edtronel2955
    I have about 55 hours in and I think I'm on the final mission. Been taking my time and doing all the side missions and clearing all the pollution. I was pleasantly surprised with this game as someone that has played 4 farcry games and only finished 2 of them . This game is amazing. Not perfect but still amazing. 2 things I wish the game had though were help from other Navis in combat like how in farcy you can do guns for hire. And also it'd of been nice to have boss fights instead of just stronger and more rda
  • @xZFeroxZx
    Huge congrats! This is the FIRST actually well done review for this game I've seen. And I've watched like 25-30 by this point. No pointless shitting on the movies, perfectly on spot criticism and props... I'm someone who will die on the hill of defending the movies, I really am. And I love this game with all my heart - but I can absolutely validate everything that is said. And that means alot!
  • @itnomadx7514
    I’m just saying this if it isn’t Ubisoft, this game will be praised for the way it is but since it’s Ubisoft, it’s always something negative
  • @Donutdove
    I have 60 hours. Yes there are issues, but as a avatar fan, it itched the spot iv been trying to get for a decade. I don’t hate it, i really enjoyed the gameplay it could have been better, yes. But it’s not a flop for me.
  • @noahthomas5504
    One thing I loved about this game was being able to scan plants and animals and learn more about them. But I wish everything had information about it. Like no mans sky. I also loved the music but I wish they had James Horner but they couldn’t because he passed. Put they should have had some of the music from avatar in this game. Another thing I have to say is when I was first introduced to pandora after escaping the RDA, I cried my eyes out. It just HITS you especially if you loved the movies. The last thing is the nights in pandora. I REALLY wished the nights were darker so the plants popped if that makes sense
  • @LDaveT368
    In settings you can toggle auto-hacking which I recommend after you've experienced them enough. My biggest gripe is the amount of side quests, that while they may contribute to the world, do little to expand the main story; in fact I completely lost track of the plot in the first area due to getting caught up in side quests, many of which I found to be frustrating and tedious.
  • @absolutefoot4594
    I couldn't have cared less about the story or interpersonal relationships between any characters until after the certain event the Resistance encounters about 2/3 through the game. Then BOOM, they finally decided to give the characters some depth and it really caught me off guard.
  • @talesoftheblanco
    The only game about a big franchise which probably had 0 marketing
  • @EnricoLenes
    I just finished the game and right after I happen to stumble upon this video. I have to tell you, you perfectly summarized the highlights and the many many flaws of this game. As a fan of Ubisoft and the Avatar IP, I finished a 100% run. However, I had an unusual amount of times where I was contemplation about just deleting it and to never look back again. The repetition, the lackluster story, the low pace of essentially all developments and airborne mobility - it was quite frankly tedious and in many occasions frustrating. The only reason I did a 100% run is because of the wonderful world of Pandora, the beautiful visual and audio effects and the true alienlike sense you get after booting up the game. You practically mentioned all my keynotes in your review and if Ubisoft were to evaluate their product, they should take some time to watch your video too!
  • @WhySoSeriousGM
    I love this game so much but yes it’s definitely got some weird issues and bug but the game is beautiful and I like collecting plants and animal parts to build stuff like far cry primal
  • @austinken1405
    I like this game and the world looks amazing but one thing is I have no idea where I'm going half the time for missions. I'm a little disappointed this game is already half off should people that paid full price get season pass for free?
  • @alexwilliams4729
    I notice a trend in Ubisoft reviews being oversimplified. Usually I would go through your history and see what a masterpiece is to you, and it’s usually elden ring, RDR2, BOTW, or the Witcher 3. And I GUARANTEE you would be hard pressed to find distinguishing factors of why one is tedious and the other was made with love and passion
  • @jakenelson3350
    i wish the flight felt “heavier”, i feel like you should be moving faster on the ikrans. It doesn’t feel as free. same with the dodge mechanic, feels too jumpy. needs first person on ikran tooooo! otherwise, fr love this game.
  • @Zemmacraft
    As someone who plays games so casually that I dont consider stats to begin with unless it increases my level, I hardly have a problem with the cooking, hunting OR loot system. I don't mind it. I spend hours just walking through the forest, hunting, flying, and picking off areas of interest one by one to level up slowly but surely. In my opinion, thats another strength of the game. If you're struggling on a main storyline or just bored of having to do one, you'll occasionally find little units of RDA mechs and soldiers in the forest, an animal with exquisite quality ingredients, or one of the labs. Theres always SOMETHING to do as much as it is repetitive. Then again, I enjoy repetitive. I like games that switch things up, and I like games that are repetitive. It depends on the setting.
  • @user-wm4tq7rt4n
    I Think its a great game and currently just unlocked the upper plains, but my main problem with the game is its difficulty. I have gave up several times on small outposts because of the difficulty of the stealth. but I find the bigger ones easier because the enemies are spaced out. I wish they could let u fight with normal attacks . I love stealth but I'm starting to get tired of it .
  • So recently. In the past 4 months or so I have finished Far Cry 3 up to New Dawn, I own 6 but it’s hard for me to get interested or into the game. Point being is tho. Avatar has some Far Cry like things, but at the same time with its own spin. Far Cry I could run up in an Outpost and kill everything within seconds, just a bow, sniper, or a silenced pistol, with the occasional throwing knife. But in Avatar I have to plan how I’m going to do an outpost, what I’m going to take out first wether it be an AMP or a normal Soldier, then there’s the collecting things, personally I upgrade all of my things first chance I get, my holsters, quivers, armour etc. anything that uses animal furs. So having to collect stuff to craft or to cook in avatar makes me entertained. I can play a bad ass hunting simulator whenever I feel the want. Then the Ikran is just a plane. But u can interact with it more so that feels even better. Solid 9 outta 10 game for me
  • @cas-221
    For me it's a amazing good and fun game with outstanding graphics sounds and a huge map for me best game in years, but that's personal
  • @Phar_quit
    I love open world games and there are a lot I’ve tried lately that haven’t “scratched” that itch for me… this game (in my opinion) really has become my absolute fave! 💙
  • I like it a lot overall, just very bland story like most current games (horizon comes to mind) i dont know why is it so hard to create more memorable and 3 dimensional characters. Everything is just so predictable