Railroad Crossings Around The World (READ DESC)(Most viewed video)

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AH137 Railway Videos
Andy and Dandan Fisher - Steam Around the World
Martin96 - Czech Level Crossing
NDVC - Railway and Airline
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コメント (21)
  • Mistake on India the picture is Sri Lanka not India thanks guys for pointing this out. Also I will fix it in part 2
  • In Italy if only one red lamp is present, it is always lit and not flashing.
  • @calineotoni2280
    0:12 That crossing was old but is new claremont is ones of seriously required for claremont rd is an special crossing my fav 0:12 1:06 1:24
  • I miss the double cross bar sign here in Indonesia. My passed uncle made it for me since I was a little. Now they're changing all of them and make it like a cross and a up point sign just like the thumbnail 😢
  • Railroad Crossing around the world (Ft. Mr Mens & Little Misses) Mr Happy 0:05 Mr Uppity 0:11 Mr Tickle 0:17 Mr Nosey 0:23 Little Miss Busy 0:29 Mr Silly 0:36 Mr Strong 0:41 Little Miss Neat 0:48 Mr Noisy 0:53 Little Miss Naughty 1:00 Mr Mischief 1:05 Little Miss Greedy/Plump 1:11 Mr Bump 1:18 Little Miss Late 1:24 Mr Worry 1:29 Mr Calm 1:36 Mr Fussy 1:42 Little Miss Shy 1:48 Mr Sneeze 1:57 Mr Rush 2:06 Mr Lazy (CANCELLED) 2:16 Mr Nobody 2:22 Little Miss Magic 2:29 Mr Forgetful 2:34 Little Miss Bossy 2:40 Mr Small 2:47 Mr Tall 2:52 Mr Jelly 2:59 Little Miss Brave 3:05 Little Miss Bad 3:11 Mr Busy 3:17 Mr Greedy 3:23 Mr Brave 3:29 Engoy the video!!!!!
  • Italys crossings don’t flash unless the crossing has two bells. Also I don’t think the lights flash with the bells XD
  • 中国那里说一下,各个地区的警报音不一样,这个应该是南方地区的,京津冀一带音调较低,更像“嘟嘟”,而且部分地区有语音提示,比如“上行,有火车到来,请注意”,并不是全国统一的。信号机同理,各个地区不尽相同,但“红灯停车,灭灯停用”都是一样的,传统三点式信号机上面为红灯,工作时会交替闪烁,警报音持续至道口(Crossing)打开,下面一个为蓝色或白色,平时常亮,表示人车可以通行,在道口封闭时熄灭。视频所示的立式信号机现在用的比较少,大部分是公司及工厂专用线,比如从干线上支出至某电厂的东清专用线(该线路无正式名称,此名称为铁路爱好者为方便交流而命名),而干线信号机大部分已换装为高架式信号机,即使用一根“L”型高架架到公路上方,并挂上三点式信号机。 若有中国及台湾地区铁路相关问题欢迎私信,京某会尽量解答。
  • @zach513
    Imagine if Hungary barriers won't work and no lights and it has no sounds