Amazing RC Ornithopter like a bird

Publicado 2019-01-17
Recently I have released only videos of woodworking, speakers and leather craft.
I think that some people do not know, but ...,
Originally I registered on Youtube for the purpose of publishing my own flapping flight.

Since registrants exceeded 100,000 people, I tried collecting the development of flapping flights by returning to the origin.
Edited by linking photos and videos 6 years ago. So the picture quality is bad.
I am canceled now because development funds have bottomed out ... I also want to start development.

For development of a bird type airplane, your support is necessary.
I will invite you to the special site of the distribution of drawings and development process if you can assist.
【Plan List】

Fruits by JayJen Music
Creative Commons ? Attribution 3.0 Unported ? CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Fruits – JayJen (No Copyright Music)  

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jisakukobo
    If you find any unauthorized reproduction of the JSK-koubou video, please report it to me. Thank you. JSK-koubouビデオの無断複製を見つけた場合は、報告していただけると助かります。
  • @ronmartin3755
    Wow. This young guy is a genius! Not only does this thing fly and look exactly like a bird but it is fast like a bird as well. This is one the of neatest videos I have ever seen.
  • @genegroover3893
    Until it moved in closer, I thought i was watching a real bird and was confused. Then I realized it was your RC Ornithopter. Truly incredible. Fantastic job.
  • @cbpuzzle
    That's some boss level RC building skill to make something that complex work, let alone actually fly well.
  • @000you00tube000
    This is amazing. I couldn't believe my eyes when it starts flying. High-quality engineering. Excellent job.
  • @eCitizen1
    That's a very nice piece of engineering you have there. You did an amazing job. I could watch that bird fly all day.
  • @1340able
    ドローンより断然魅力的! Jisaku-koboさん、設計図公開よりも、企業に売り込みに行くべきです。 市販化されたら絶対買います。
  • @TheGadgyo
    Awesome !!! Leonardo da Vinci would have been admiring !! Congratulations for this great job.
  • @FabledHeroes3351
    Damn from a distance you would have thought it was an actual bird 🦅 amazing 😉 job dude
  • What the? That's incredible. It's like a real bird. 本当の鳥のようです。
  • @ukandrew
    One of the best of seen, great piece of engineering Jisaku. Don’t stop development, its very important that young minds like yours concentrate on perfecting such engineering as it could lead to important breakthroughs in flight understanding and evolution. It also appears from the video that you gained admiration from the unmatched aerial specialists. What better endorsement can you have? Well done Jisaku
  • @TakaoMoriyama
  • @horiyasuhiro8284
    これは衝撃的に凄い開発だと思う。羽の動きやしなりの再現性が良く研究されている。 改良すればカラス被害対策や鳥の移動研究用等、様々な汎用性が広がるのではないかと。 クラウドファンディングで研究続けるべきです。必ず応援します。
  • Really impressed, the flight with the other birds is simply magic. Greatings from France !
  • @kounoheyasub1
    実際に飛ぶだけじゃなく 羽ばたきの美しさをここまで再現するとは!! 最高にワクワクしました!!
  • @user-xb9ko9qr9g
    大きさのせいか、思ったよりも優雅にゆっくりと羽ばたくだけで浮力が得られてて 飛んでる姿が凄く美しい! 翼を広げて滑空も出来たり、翼小さく広げて速く羽ばたいたりするなどバリエーションが 増やせたらもっと飛ばし方にも幅が出そう。
  • @okojosun
    ここまできれいに羽ばたくRC機を初めて見ました。 翼を真っ直ぐに伸ばした状態で止められるモードがあって、上昇気流に乗れたら最高ですね。トンビも真っ青です。
  • @piri2680
    レザークラフトの動画を見ていて発見・拝見しました。 こんなに美しく飛ぶ飛行機があるのですね!すばらしい!感動しました! 是非また開発再開できるようお祈りいたします。
  • @user-um6sl4oy2p
    羽ばたき機の動画の続きが公開されなくて、いつか続きが来るだろうと気長に待っておりましたが、そのような事情であったとは。 威嚇なのか好奇心からなのか本物の鳥が伴走するのは本当に素晴らしい映像で、見ていて飽きないです。 いずれ資金が調達できて、再開できる事を祈っています。
  • @aquamigo2
    I was flabergasted seeing this video. So realistic. A real craftmanship performance. Don't stop the development, you are already so far, there must be a future for something like this.