Villains with TRASH reasons on why they're evil.

Publicado 2020-11-14
Villain: I fell on my way in the house from my car and I had food in my hands. This planet will know pain.

Oddwin - 19
King Kaiyo - Melodic

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Masquerade98
    “Why did you kill all those people?” “Because the teacher called on me when I wasn’t even raising my hand....”
  • @reidpattis3127
    I like how the well written villain had a meltdown on how much of a stretch the second villain is.
  • @mushmello526
    Don't forget the evil antagonist that has a sidekick with much darker plans that are even too bad for the first antagonist, so that sidekick turns to the real Antagonist
  • “Why... Why did you kill all these people!?!” “They didn’t notice my new haircut.”
  • ‘Why did you commit mass genocide and murder millions of people??’ ‘I wanted to prove to my ex-wife that I don’t need her to do the dishes’
  • @Orion_The_Omega
    Villain: "THEY MURDERED ME FOR FUN" Other Dude: "Some Kid took my number 3 pencil back in elementary school, that was my favorite pencil. So I'm just as justified in killing those random people as you.
  • @fluffyx1556
    "they tortured me to death and revived me just to torture me to death again" "okay "they killed my own parents in front of me" "neat" "they drowned me in a pool until i drank myself out" "ok badlands chugs" "they went on my amazon account and canceled all my pre-orders" "THEY DID WHAT HELL NAH"
  • "Why did you murder those innocent people!?" "Someone held the door open for me while keeping eye contact. I was 20 feet away."
  • "they went to my amazon account, cancelled all my preorde-" "THEY DID WHAT, HEYELL NO" LMAO
  • @irfanadib1470
    "Why did you kill all these people?" "Because they skipped the sponsor of this video, Nord VPN, the best VPN in the world."
  • @Steve_is_a_Stick
    Percy: Why did you try to start a war of the gods that would result in millions of human casualties? Luke: Because I've never met my dad.
  • @blareus
    “Why did you kill those people?” "They spelled the wrong you're".
  • @dizzy478
    They really be like: “I stubbed my toe so now I gotta take over the world”
  • @missybennet1594
    Nobody: Bakugou: I bullied someone relentlessly for years because he tried to help me up once.
  • @chaosngelx
    Actually, Louis's Villain reason makes sense. He was relentlessly bullied by his peers while people in positions of authority allowed it to happen. Who funded these people in positions to look away from such travesty? The schools did, and who are the schools funded by? The State, the Government, and Private Entities. Now who is funding all these people and organizations? It all comes down to the money, and who owns the money? The Banks. And who decides who and what the bank funds? The Bank Owners. Open your eyes Regal, remove the veil that's been woven around you! See beneath the underneath, see beyond what is beyond! It's all right there Regal!
  • @Zeeeke33
    “Why did you kill all these people?” “My mom didn’t come home with the pizza rolls.”
  • @jackfallen6679
    "They Killed my Parents" "ok" "They cancelled my amazon pre-orders" "OH HELLL NOO MAN"
  • @MrSasukeSusanoo
    "Why are you so evil man, whyyyyyyyyyy?" "Because I once told a joke and no one laughed, if they rejected happiness that time, then pain is what I shall bring!"
  • @swampgirl9076
    Actually the idea of a group of terrorits realizing one of them doesn't do shit for cause/out of revenge and is just straight psycho, and trying to get rid of him without getting caught is so fucking cool
  • @ckittle3969
    Hero: “why did u kill all these people again?” Villain: because my parents didn’t buy me that one toy I wanted when I was 7, someone had to pay the price.